Asking you all dear readers how your January is going this year. There is so much conflict and turmoil in the world at the moment that it is a time when we all need to ground ourselves and keep a sense of perspective so we are not overwhelmed with all the situations that we are bombarded with.
That does not mean turning our backs or ignoring what it going on or feeling swamped because we think there is nothing we can do to help. Find a way of your own to keep that perspective – mine is practicing meditation and now I am also back into a yoga practice – and that helps me along with spoken gratitude for the things and people that are good in our life.

As part of my mindfulness I have been appreciating the beauty of nature. The recent full moon was worth getting off the couch for to take a picture of. As was a sunrise this week . And the growth and health of the plants here at Sprawling Towers is another thing to be thankful for. The flower stem of the agave below is a thing of beauty and wonder – and the rate at which it grows is amazing to observe.

So last week I said I would bring you news of Thursday sushi night at Bacchus Fine Foods – it was great. We went early and ordered in advance as we heard that the first week was very busy. The evening was fairly cool and windy so we did dress appropriately. I hate feeling cold and would rather have to take a layer off than be shivering and thinking of all the warm things at home .

We had two types of sushi roll – and I am sorry to say that I cannot remember what either of them was called. They were tasty and went down extremely well ….. Next time I would like to try one of the poke bowls – they looked very good and had good reports from people eating them …..

We had some friends for a dinner here at our house on Friday and it was so nice to meet a very lovely and interesting couple from Ottawa – Patti and Doug – they were here visiting Martin and Marcie who own Sweetcorn House. I made a big bowl of pasta and we had salad and garlic bread with it. I have to confess it is a pasta dish I often cook if there are more than 4 of us. I make the sauce at least one day before – if not two. That way there is much less stress on the evening. It is a tomato sauce with onion , garlic, anchovies, capers and olives and a good slug of red wine in the early stages of cooking. The flavors deepen overnight and give it a lovely depth. For desert we had Stephanie’s mince pies with ice cream and fresh whipped cream with a splash or two of Grand Marnier in it. Always a hit !

And so the rhythm of life here on island continues – spending time with good friends and new friends over a nice meal around the table is always a good thing to do. The search for ingredients to cook with challenges the hunter gatherer in many of us here. You need to be a versatile cook who can use what is available here or delve into your store cupboard because often a key ingredient is just not to be found.
Beautiful days when the sun shines, a peaceful walk on French Leave Beach with the dog and being able to chat with people we meet there and knowing that we are safe from many of the terrible situations that are happening in the world – we give thanks for all of that.
Take care, stay safe and find a moment to give thanks for the things that lift your heart……

18 thoughts on “How is your January going ?”
You are doing tremendous good
for the world.
Thank you so much ……
That bird looks like a juvenile night heron. I’m thinking we refer to them here as Gaulding birds, but that could be a misplaced memory from my Mom’s time here years ago!
I love them!
Yes, it is. I have a Yellow Crown Night Heron that walks up my driveway and then stands for ages in my birdbath; love to watch him/her?
Thank you for this !
Your memory is in good shape – not misplaced at all !
Kathy, I so love reading your blog. When I read it, it makes me feel like I am right back on French Leave beach enjoying the beauty of Eleuthera. Fun memories for sure.
David and I do miss it. Keep up the good work on your blog! Hugs to you and Bob.
And only just seen this ! Thank you so much – lots of lovely memories of time spent with you x
We wish we were there today, with You and Bob, and a Big Bag of Snickers! Those WERE The Days, we thought they would Never end.
Love! The Fort Myers Browns
So sorry – only just seen this ! Love to you both xx
If I remember correctly, at one time you had a chiropractor coming in from Nassau. Do you know of anything like that happening now?
As an octogenarian, my time on the beach is now more limited. But I do hope to meet up with you there soon.
Heart’s greeting,
Linda Bennett
If I remember correctly, at one time you had a chiropractor coming in from Nassau. Do you know of anything like that happening now?
As an octogenarian, my time on the beach is now more limited. But I do hope to meet up with you there soon.
January for me is going well. Also, I am taking Snoop Dogg’s words to heart ‘ dont look at differences , just look at making a difference.
Thanks again Kathy for this uplifting blog.
Thank you for this Wendy – glad you enjoy the blog …..
Happy New Year Kathy and Bob.
A few tings to mention.
The pasta sauce you made is called Putanesca. The word Puta, means whore. You see way back when, men would pay for sex, and afterwards be fed a bowl of Puttanesca pasta, as all the ingredients were relatively available and inexpensive. Sounds like a deal.
And in keeping with a positive attitude, I leave you with the words that RuPaul says at the end of every episode.
Thank you Frank and great to hear from you ….. I had forgotten that this was a puttanesca sauce – just with a few of my own extras thrown in ! Love the words from RuPaul x
Hi Kathy,
January in New England has been mostly kind this year. We are now in a deep freeze after a beautiful snow, but I don’t mind because we leave for Governor’s Harbor on Saturday. Friday night my choral group is singing the Star Spangled Banner before the Providence Bruins game. It’s a great beginning to our vacation.
Thank you for your blog, Kathy!
Beth Kinder
Thank you for this Beth – hope you have a wonderful time here …..