Well hello dear friends – it has been a while hasn’t it ? I stopped writing the blogs at the end of June whilst nursing my mother until her death at the end of July. I was just unable to write of life in Eleuthera whilst it was so difficult for both me and my dear sister Jane. But time moves on and now – given that this will appear on or around American Thanksgiving – it seems that it may be the time to resume writing the blog.

I wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving – even if you are not American it is wonderful to have a time giving thanks for all that we are grateful for. Even if you are not actually getting together with family or friends then it can still be a time to be in contact with them.

Facetime has been a wonderful way for me to connect with both of my sisters , and Jane and I saw each other every day after she left in the middle of September until Bob and I took a trip to Texas this last week. It was strange not connecting daily with Jane and we both missed it very much – but normal service is resumed again now ! And I know that you will join me in wishing Jane a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY today – November 23rd xxxxxxxx

Now I know that you have missed the food pictures - so here is a tasty seafood risotto I had in louie Bossi in Ft Lauderdale on our way back from Texas
Now I know that you have missed the food pictures – so here is a tasty seafood risotto I had in Louie Bossi in Ft Lauderdale on our way back from Texas

So this was the first trip we have taken for quite a long time and it was great to leave the island for a week and be back in the big wide world. We stayed with friends who took us around both Houston and Austin and had a lovely trip into Fredericksburg in the Hill  Country. What a lovely town. Of course none of you will be surprised to hear that there was a lot of eating and drinking involved during the trip – some things never change- right ?

Bob looking fabulous in a black stetson that Justin and Lindy bought for him in Fredericksburg

Anyway I think it is time to give you all a quick update on what is happening on the island.

After some longer than usual breaks pretty much all of the restaurants are open again. The Buccaneer has had a bit of a refurb – pictures to follow. Tippy’s – I am pretty sure is opening later this week. Of course 1648 at the French Leave Resort has been open throughout the down season – as has La Bougainvillea and those of us who have been on island are very grateful for that. Sunset Inn will open again for when you need that hit of grouper fingers and fries or whatever takes your fancy from December 8th

The Cove is open again and will be visited by the Colmans soon – and again thanks to The Front Porch for staying open throughout the closed season. We had a meal there recently and as always it was wonderful.

The Island Farm is up and running again – with fresh bread twice a week and I will be bringing you news of another new farm opened just north of Governors Harbour in the coming weeks.

Good times with good friends…..

Some really exciting news is the team of Bhutanese staff who were at the Cove and then La Bougainvillea are back on island and will be managing and running Potlatch when it opens – either late this year or early next year. They are wonderful people – Kezang Dorji will be managing the place and he and his team bring a level of expertise along with their legendary kindness and caring that set a shining example for all the staff to be inspired by…… It was a very happy day when I learned that they were here.

Now I know that you have seen a shot like this from me many times – but I still love to take them….

And so dear readers I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and hope that you join me in actively listing – even just mentally – all the many things that we all have to be thankful for. From that delicious cup of coffee or tea to friends and family, to gratitude for the level of health we have been given, the lessons and teachings we have found, and for life itself……

And finally – a cookie given to Bob in Austin – yes a Texas Long Horn !!



36 thoughts on “Picking up where I left off …….”

  1. Dear Kathy,
    My prayers have been answered!!!
    Thank you for writing your blog again.
    Happy birthday to Jane !!!
    Happy Thursday 🙂

    1. Nice Thanksgiving surprise for all your blog fans Kathy! Thank you. Glad you’re back into the swing of things. Best to Bob. ENJOY! We return in February and will see you then…Cheers,

        1. Forgot to mention the Stetson looks dang fine on Bob…like he’s always worn it! We’ll have to talk about Texas. l have family there.

  2. Welcome back. Last night I had dinner with our wonderful friend Charles ( at best paella place in NYC) and I said to him I really miss Kathy’s blog…and this morning, magically, here you are. Today I’m going to discuss winning the lottery. Happy season to you and Bob. …Elise

      1. So happy to hear from you again. Really missed your news from Eleuthera and all these wonderful fotos. Best wishes for you and Bob and greetings from Germany from Sonja + Thorsten

  3. Yay! You’re back!! I’ll be down in January for a while but knowing you’re blogging again makes me happy and connects me to GH. Well done.

      1. Kathy, first of all I am very sorry for your loss. Mary was quite a lady. Second, John and I met Russell and Stephanie yesterday (Anchor Point) and we were talking about you and your blog and how much we missed it. So happy to see it in my “in” box. Welcome back and happy holidays to you and Bob.
        Shirley Pool

  4. So glad you were able to travel, you both look wonderful.
    Looking forward to being on island in the new year. Hope to see you then.♥️

  5. Hi Kathy,
    You have been in my thoughts and prayers. Sending love
    Happy Thanksgiving! We are so grateful for all the wonderful care Bob and you have put into our Beautiful Island. You make this world a better place.
    With Love,
    Christina & Dale

  6. Last evening, the 22nd, I tried to locate your blog that I have missed so much. I was worried my email somehow got out of sync . Anyway, I checked my email today and “ hooray”, there you were ! So glad you are back sharing the BestofEleuthera.
    Have a lovely Thanksgiving with many blessings…..

  7. Hi Kathy,
    Glad to see your back on the blog. Missed your weekly read. I know it’s hard to get back to normal life and it really never does after a loss like that.
    We will be visiting the island in May ‘2024 and hope to see you.
    Stay well.

    Susan, Judy and Joe from LI NY

    1. kathy@kathycolman.com

      How lovely to hear from you – and delighted to hear that you will be here next May. Really looking forward to seeing you all ……

  8. Kathy, glad you’re back on blog. Big hug and kisses to you and Bob.
    Jane and my sister Tina share the same birthday.
    A few Oscar Wilde Quotes.
    The World is a Stage and the play badly cast.
    There are two kinds of people that are fascinating: people who know absolutely everything, and people who know absolutely nothing.
    The only thing to do with good advice is pass it on; it is never of any use to oneself.
    I don’t want to go to heaven, None, of my friends are there.
    Happy Birthday Jane,.
    Kathy, Bob,FRF

  9. Wow! I did a double take! So happy to have you back, Kathy. Your blog has been sadly missed. I so look forward to hearing the news on Eleuthera and see your fabulous photos!
    Happy Birthday! Jane
    Hello to Bob!
    Kisses and hugs to all!

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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