Road Resurfacing and a Family Visit

Hello dear readers – yes news of the road resurfacing around Governors Harbour and a lovely family visit.

Firstly the roads around Governors Harbour are being resurfaced as many of you will know and on Haynes Avenue – right where Sprawling Towers is – we have a spanking new tarmac stretch. It is very good and has eliminated a lot of bumps and potholes.

Lovely chaps !

They decided to do it on Sunday and it was pretty noisy I can tell you – but the team of workers are really nice even though they speak little English – I think that they are from the Dominican Republic. On Monday they started on the up and down hill which was pretty hectic even though some of the traffic was diverted to the French Leave Resort back road. All was going well until later in the afternoon when a sudden crazy squall of rain came hammering down and one of the trucks or pieces of heavy equipment took down a telegraph pole and of course along with it the power supply. It was off until about 9pm so not much fun for anyone…..

How smart are we now ?

Anyway it is all coming along although I cannot pretend to understand the logic of doing a bit here and leaving a bit there then coming back some time later – days or even weeks before it is all joined up. Fortunately the logistics of it all are not mine to worry about !!

You know I always enjoy it when readers of the blog introduce themselves and it was a delight on Saturday to meet Tim, his son Zach and 2 coworkers, Wyatt and Chris who are building a house here. They live in North Dakota so being here at this time of year will be a welcome respite from those cold wintery days. Tim’s wife whose name I cannot remember – so sorry ! – is a keen reader of the blog and often shows Tim or tells him what I have been writing about. I look forward to meeting Mrs Tim when she is here !

Also I have enjoyed seeing and speaking to Donna and her husband Stuart who have been here for 4 weeks. Donna has read the blog since I started it and often comments on them. Safe travels home to you both …..

Now on to that lovely family visit. Our daughter Sami and her husband Billy came in on Saturday afternoon for a 9 day vacation. We picked them up from Rock Sound where they came in on a BahamasAir flight. They were delayed by over 2 hours which was frustrating but at least the plane wasn’t cancelled.

Lunch at Potlatch – always a joy…..

On Sunday we all went to The Potlatch Club for a delicious lunch – it was their first time there as it wasn’t open when they came last year – and they were suitably impressed. We will be going back for a dinner before they leave. I had my favorite seared tuna salad as did Billy , Sami had the grouper fingers and fries and Bob had the black bean and mushroom burger. All washed down with lovely icy cold Sands Light beer.


It is a delight to be in their company and catch up on all the latest family news – our great granddaughter Cece is growing fast and even though she is not actually here it is lovely to hear all the stories of time they spend with her. We will be getting a great grandson in July which we are all looking forward to but maybe not as much as Cece ….

On Monday evening we had dinner at Sprawling Towers and we invited Aiden – an Irish friend – to join us. Of course it was St Patrick’s Day and Billy is of Irish heritage as well so there was much joking and fun. I made my usual Beyond Beef Shepherds Pie which went down well. No pictures of that -all  too busy enjoying the simple joy of being gathered around the table to remember to do that. Sometimes it is a delight to realize that we have all been so much in the moment to think of pictures.

However on Tuesday Aiden cooked a stellar Indian curry. His expertise and joy of cooking showed in the delicious meal, chicken curry and shrimp curry, rice , a dhal cooked by Sami and onion tomato and cilantro salad prepared by me with poppadoms meant a copious feast enjoyed by all. Very much enjoyed by me !! This time I decided that I really did need to take pictures so here are a few ….

Goodness this all tasted so good ….

Last week Aiden cooked a great Thai meal for Bob and I – again no pictures but guests with a talent like his are always very welcome here.

I know I talk about it often but the simple joy of being with great family and friends is very important to be aware of. It is not the spectacular occasions that bring the most happiness but the small ones. I read a lovely phrase just the other day that has stayed in my consciousness – cultivate a happy heart. In these difficult and challenging times cultivating a happy heart is a way forward through a time when many people feel powerless to change things….. Let’s try…..

Actually after looking at the blue sky in all of these pictures it has given me a happy heart.

5 thoughts on “Road Resurfacing and a Family Visit”

      1. And, of course we also enjoy seeing and talking with you…and Dan…and watching Rudge, Zena and Rufus romp on French Leave. Oh goodness, how we love our food. Cheers to bikini babes in their 70s! See ya next year, same time, same place. Enjoy…gratefully.

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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