First of all let me thank you all for the moving and lovely comments that many of you made after the blog restart last week. I must admit that a few of them brought a tear to my eye – mentioning you particularly Christina J !!

Anyway – getting back in the swing of writing the blog so here we go for another week…….

Here are some pictures of the newly gussied up Buccaneer – it looks very smart and makes a nice change. We had lunch there last week which was a good feeling. Nothing too exciting but sometimes the familiar is just right.

Great detailing with the straw work throughout the interior

Thanks to dear Shelby White who hosted a really great Thanksgiving meal. It was so good to be included and the food was delicious. So good in fact that I ate two large platefuls – no surprises there then !! The turkey was moist and very tasty – really good stuffing and plenty of sweet potato mash. I may have told you before – forgive me if I have – but after years of not eating turkey at all Bob and I went to a Thanksgiving Luau in Kauai over 20 years ago . The turkeys were cooked in a pit overnight and they smelled and looked so good that I decided to try it – it was sensational and I have eaten and cooked turkey ever since then. I used to cook turkey for my Mum every Christmas even though I wasn’t mad about it myself – I would rather have a tasty roast chicken – but this year  I will not be cooking the traditional meal on Christmas Day. I was perfectly happy to spend all Christmas Day cooking and then clearing up – but this year I will break with that tradition and possibly read in bed until lunchtime – who knows !!

I want to draw your attention to a wonderful young woman who has just started a great mobile home care /nursing  business. Her name is Tonya and she was one of the trained nurses who helped care for my Mum earlier this year. She is kind, super capable, caring and reliable. All the things that you need when you are looking for a nurse. If you or anyone you know may be in need of this service please give her a call. I honestly cannot recommend her highly enough. She is a treasure and a brave and ambitious entrepeneur and deserves to do well with this venture.

Just thought it was time for a quick picture of Rudge – and also Brian is on the perspex chair beside him….

In other news you may or may not know that we are selling Sprawling Towers – it is a fabulous house but it is way too big for 2 of us. We are very proud of what we have done here but we are also excited by the prospect of building a smaller more manageable house on some land that we own just down the hill from Sprawling Towers. I am putting a link here so that you can get a proper tour of the house …..

It is important to think about what is right for you at a particular time in your life – sometimes we need to sit and have a think about what that may be and then take the necessary steps to manifest the new path. Onwards and upwards !

This was a fabulous dish that I ate in Timpano on Las Olas Blvd – fettuccine uni alfredo mixed in the whole cheese round at the table and served on a Versace plate they proudly told us !
It was just what I wanted – rich, creamy, cheesy – not the last time I will eat this I can tell you !

And so dear friends once more I prompt you to be kind wherever you can and to whoever you can – small gestures mean a lot. That person that you think you see , so very often has all sorts of problems going on behind the facade that they present to the world – there seem to be very few people at this time having a wonderful life – so pay attention to the opportunities that arise for kindnesses. And look for the small things every day that bring joy – often for me they are things found in nature – a beautiful sunrise , a spectacular moon , the ocean – and so it goes on. With love to you all……

This was the moon at 6.15am one morning this week – such a beauty …..
And a stunning sunrise as well.


6 thoughts on “All the news from Eleuthera”

  1. So happy your blog is back Kathy!! I love reading your island stories…it brings me home for a moment! You always bring so much joy and kindness to this crazy world! Thank you!!

    1. OMG, that fettuccine uni alfredo on that gorgeous plate looks fantabulous! The Sprawling Towers listing looks great. A magnificent accomplishment.

  2. Sylvia Sharplin

    Love that your blog is back! Thanks for all that you share and for your inspiring words. Next time you are in Austin, please give us a call!!


      Oh goodness – i didn’t realize that you lived in Austin ! Lovely to hear from you and love to the family ….

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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