Well if you haven’t tried the Front Porch in Hatchet Bay then I suggest you do so at you earliest opportunity ! We went there for Sunday lunch with our good friends Marcie and Martin and we all ate like kings. We usually leave it to chef Francis Plakaris to work his magic. Call him for a reservation on 242 554 5483 or 242 335 0727 – he and Gina – his lovely talented wife – do a really great job.

We shared two platters between the 4 of us – stone crab claws, lobster tails, curried shrimp, divine grouper and potato wedges plus a salad on the plate for each of us. The atmosphere is always laid back, friendly and relaxed and we thoroughly enjoy it every time we go there. We tend to go for lunch because as many of you will know it is not a fun drive back at night from Hatchet Bay to Governors Harbour – but maybe I am just showing my age !!!!!

Stephanie – from the food truck outside Burrows – you know – Sweet and Savory – has for the last 6 or 7 years always made mince pies for me for Christmas and a brilliant job she has always done. But this year she is not on island so yours truly is making them . I made 5 dozen the other day – but they are small and seem to get eaten up pretty quickly. I put them in the freezer – apart from a few for us to enjoy and a few to give away – but another batch is in the offing I think ! They make a great giveaway around this time of year so they do disappear pretty quickly. For those of you who don’t know mincemeat is actually sweet – no meat in it at all. It is made up of dried fruits , apples, mixed spices , candied peel etc. I buy it in bulk from an English food shop in Fort Lauderdale – PondHoppers for those who may be interested but Burrows here on the island also sell it in jars if you just want to make a few. PondHoppers does not have a website now – but their phone number is 954 566 9388 and they are at 2629 N Federal Highway .

I buy the shortcrust pastry bases from Burrows which I roll out and make the cases from – but not before I add freshly zested orange peel and a good glug of either Cointreau or Grand Marnier to the mincemeat. Then bake them in a medium oven – say 350 F or 170C – oh and I always spray the tins – mini muffin tins I suppose they are with a little Crisco to stop them sticking. Now don’t forget to make 2 small slits with a sharp knife in the lids to stop the mincemeat boiling over . Allow to cool – dust with confectioners sugar and enjoy ! They are particularly good warmed through, the lid lifted and a large dollop of heavy cream whipped with whatever liquor you fancy – brandy, rum or Cointreau ….. This is one family tradition that I will probably always continue as I just love them !
The island is getting busier with visitors as you would expect and we are all hoping that Bacchus Fine Foods opens this coming Monday – desperately in need of some good cheddar cheese amongst other things – plus it is such a great spot for lunch.

And so dear readers that’s it for this week – don’t get caught in the trap of horrific consumerism leading up to Christmas – and always keep and eye open for those who are not loving this season for one reason or another…..

4 thoughts on “Have you tried the Front Porch in Hatchet Bay ?”
Love your mince pies I could eat one right now with my mulled wine sending you both Lots of love from these very freezing climes in London Town xxxx lots of love Nicola
So lovely to hear from you Nicola. Hope that you are all well – stay warm xxx
I called Gina after reading this and switched ourSAT lunch plans to THE FRONT PORCH! Thanks for the reminder….good to go Xmas shopping at ISLAND MADE in Gregorytown and have lunch at TFP all in the same day!
Oh Dan – that is great news. I know you won’t be disappointed. Have fun at Island Made as well …… xx