Joe Louis – our potcake- goes to Nassau

This is the story of how Joe Louis our potcake goes to Nassau.

Living on island like Eleuthera has some fantastic advantages but of course there are some things that are more difficult than if you live in a big city.

Last year our lovely dog Joe Louis – who many of you know personally – had some health problems. We didn’t find out until some time later but during the summer months he was suffering from Ehrlichiosis – a tick borne disease. This made him very lethargic, depressed, he lost his appetite, had joint pain and stiffness. During this period he was on one of the construction sites that we were working on and he went to sleep in the shade under one of the worker’s truck’s. When the truck started up Joe didn’t jump up and scoot like he would normally do – so the truck clipped him on his spine or pelvis and caused damage. Over the months his symptoms got worse until we had some blood work done and discovered the Ehrlichiosis. This was treated successfully but he has nerve damage to his bladder, bowel, tail and back leg as a result of the truck incident. His quality of life is definitely suffering so in consultation with the great vets who come to Eleuthera every few weeks from the impressive Palmdale Veterinary Hospital in Nassau we decided to fly him over and get some X – rays and investigative tests done to find out how best his problems can be managed.

Poor Joe Louis sedated and crated !
Poor Joe Louis sedated and crated !

At 11 years old he is never going to get better – but of course we have to find the best way to make his life as comfortable as possible……

So we had to crate him for the first time in his life and bring him on the Pineapple Air flight from Governors Harbour to Nassau. We sedated him – under the vet’s advice with a small dose of Valium !! – this just took the edge of his anxiety and he appeared in the arrivals hall of the airport slightly less stressed than me !

Great porter for Pineapple Air - the lovely Wobbles - who looked after Joe so beautifully
Great porter for Pineapple Air – the lovely Wobbles – who looked after Joe so beautifully

He then was delivered to the Palmdale branch of the practice to have the first tests done and to spend the night …… We in the meantime went to stay at our favorite hotel in Nasaau – The Island House – and woke several times in the night thinking of our poor boy on his own in a cage – don’t get me started …..

Wednesday morning he was chauffeured out to the new facility that Palmdale Veterinary Practice has at Caves Village to have the rest of his investigations done.

Exterior of the Veterinary Hospital at Caves Village Nassau
Exterior of the Veterinary Hospital at Caves Village Nassau

I made good use of this time researching on your behalf dear readers ! – the Spa at The Island House ….. And I can report in the most glowing terms that this is a place not to be passed up if you find yourself in need of a massage, facial, manicure, pedicure or any other of the treatments they offer. The Spa building is stylish, elegant , calming and a delight to spend time in. The staff are experienced, friendly and absolutely brilliant at the services they offer. Ludy was my therapist and she gave me fantastic service on both of my treatments. Sabrina is the spa manager and a more helpful, efficient and friendly person you could not meet. The spa uses Bamford and Ila products – both ranges shipped in from the UK

A really elegant reception area for the Spa at island House....
A really elegant reception area for the Spa at island House….

Back to Joe…… The facility of the practice at Caves Village is sensational. They have a digital X ray machine , an amazing blood work machine which gives out results in 45 seconds , an opthamology machine. All of this in a beautiful shiny new clinic.

Joe had extensive Xrays and Dr Italia Sands gave us a thorough viewing of them plus an explanation of his diagnosis. He has a diaphragmatic hernia- caused by the truck last summer. It means that basically he has trouble breathing now along with all his other related problems – peeing, pooping and pain. He also has liver damage as a result of the Ehrlichiosis- so a new regimen of medications to manage his many health issues is underway. At 11 years old we have to face the fact that he is probably not going to be with us for much longer –  so we make the most of every day that we still have him around ………

Amazing surgery suite
Amazing surgery suite

Huge thanks to all the staff at the Palmdale Veterinary Hospital for their skill , sensitivity and kindness in dealing not only with Joe Louis but also with me !!

Me being taken care of as well by the lovely Dr Italia Sands
Me being taken care of as well by the lovely Dr Italia Sands

9 thoughts on “Joe Louis – our potcake- goes to Nassau”

  1. Oh Kathy and Bob! What a time Joe Louis has had and you both too.
    Our hearts go out to you. We love your potcake and enjoyed many hours with him including during his ailing. Poor boy. Take heart…you are doing the best you can!

  2. Hope Joe Louis makes a perfect recovery. There should be more people like you Kathy who care for their animals as they would their own human family. “Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.”

  3. Thanks so much for sharing. My daughter’s little pup went missing the night I arrived and we are so sad with the loss. She was not on the island and your puppy story is hertwarming and informative. Glad to know about the excellent care available!

  4. I am in tears as I truly love Joe. I would like to think that we both had bonded closely during our stay there. He is in many of the stories I tell of our stay in Eleuthera. I even joked (?) with others that Jean had competition here for my affections. But in truth she also fell in love with him. That is huge as she is one who never warmed up to dogs. Thank you so much for being the kind of person you are to care so much for those that you love. I have comfort in knowing that you are caring for him as he struggles with health challenges. I will go to bed tonight with him on my mind.
    We are here in FL this year and suffering with continued bad or moderate weather, and even though there is much more glamorous things to do, I miss the life i experienced in Eleuthera.
    My admiration to you for your devotion to ‘family’ and best wishes to Joe.

    1. Bob and Kathy Colman

      Don’t make me cry anymore ! We often talk of you and Jean…… Tim and Leanne are here again and Mary and Dennis who stayed in the Yellow House. And of course Mum talks of you all the time ! I will give Joe and extra treat from you tonight- lovely to hear from you.

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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