You may have noticed a rather big blip for the blog over the last couple of weeks ! But I am back and hopefully everything is sorted out and will run smoothly now. Trouble with the domain expiring and other boring stuff but thankfully my wonderful site managers – Shiftweb – have remedied the problem…….  So here we are again , catching up and bringing you back to Eleuthera.

Firstly an update on Rudge…. Well he went for his X-rays through Dr Italia Sands at the wonderful Noah’s Ark Animal Centre – he had to be sedated of course to get him in the right position so he was very spaced out and groggy for a few hours. The x-rays showed that he has arthritis in both his spine and hips – but at the moment it is not too bad. However he will need to be on medication from now on as it is not something any of us really come back from is it ? But the good news is that he is only on a quarter of the novox – carprofen. Initially he was having a full tablet which was a miraculous change – no stiffness or limping and he was bouncing around the place. Dr Sands told me to gradually reduce the dosage over a week or so and watch how it affected him. Well we seem to have settled on the 1/4 tablet for now which is great news.

and this is how good propofol feels !

I was amused to see that he was given a shot of propofol prior to the procedure. I had a shot of propofol myself a few years ago when I had a surgery on my retina and I embarrassed my self by saying very loudly – ‘Oh yesssss !’ as it hit my system . It was a glorious feeling and I understood how Michael Jackson used it all the time to sleep !

Rudge is now back to having a run on the beach which makes him very happy. Talking of dogs – Dan and Larry had a tiny 8 week old male puppy dumped on their property followed a few days later with another one – from the same litter most likely. As they already have 2 dogs themselves they are looking for homes for them. Please do consider whether or not you would take one in and give it a good home. The black male is a real sweetheart and quickly got used to Xena and Rufus. I haven’t seen the female in the flesh yet but she looks equally adorable ….  Potcakes do make wonderful pets – just saying …….

How can you resist that face ?
or this one ?

We have been eating out quite a lot over the last couple of weeks – several sets of friends who have been on island have taken us to dinner at The Potlatch Club so we have sampled quite a lot of different food. I wrote at the time of opening that the menu would change seasonally – but I was wrong ! It changes all the time – we have been a total of 6 times and the menu has been different every time. It is a lovely place to go – calm, elegant, cool – temperature wise as well as culturally ! I will let you know when they start serving lunch which should be fairly soon…..

Pre dinner drinks at Sprawling Towers – what an elegant bunch !

We went to friends house for lunch this week – a great property called Casa Libre in Rainbow Bay. Click on the link for the Airbnb listing. There were 9 of us sitting down but I think the food would have stretched to 19 if needed ! There was plenty of grilled steak, lamb as well as lobster tails and shrimp, salad, a terrific spanish omelette which I ate rather too much of as well as a selection of cheeses and charcuterie.

Great view looking north on the back veranda at Casa Libre
This was delicious….

Absolutely delicious and a lovely break in a normal working day. The setting is lovely and the weather was perfect – and I got some new book recommendations. Thank you Marilyn for that …..

Marcie and I with Chef Choki at Potlatch

And so next Friday my sister Jane will be here – with us for 2 months. I can’t tell you how much I am looking forward to having her around but you will see over the next few weeks !


Take care and thank you to the readers and friends who reached out to check whether I was okay because of no blog – all is well and thank you again to Shiftweb for being such a great support team……

5 thoughts on “A Rather Big Blip for the Blog !”

  1. Kathy.
    Marcie kindly shared your blog with me. It’s a great reminder of our time spent on your welcoming island and the gentle kind people that we met which definitely includes you and Bob. Joan


      How lovely to hear from you Joan – we had such a lovely time when we met you and hope to see you here again. So happy that you have discovered the blog – thanks to Marcie…..

  2. camilla p. ross

    How wonderful to be getting the blog again! I hope that Rudge is feeling well. And, dinner at Potlatch! The best in news!
    I look forward to hearing about Jane’s visit. Ecstatic to have you back!


      So did it come through to you or did you get it through the link I sent you ? Glad you are enjoying it !

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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