This week I want to look back and then forward to a brighter future ……

5 years since Hurricane Dorian wreaked absolute tragic and horrific damage in the Bahamas. The outcome of it has been a very difficult and traumatic time for many people and of course a lot of lives were lost as well as many homes and businesses. It is not a very cheerful note to start the blog with – but knowing personally some of the people involved in it – it seems to be a mark of respect to acknowledge the anniversary of it.

We have had some large amounts of rain here during the last week. It is always welcomed by residents here – but the poor people on vacation do not look on it so appreciatively. On Saturday it was torrential – along with thunder and lightening as well. I haven’t found the knack of photographing the rain – but the picture below does show that you cannot see the demarcation between the sky and the sea….. It was a day for staying home with a good book and some tasty food ! I did manage to walk Rudge in the late afternoon when it was just sprinkling a little bit and he was perfectly happy.

It was tipping it down ….
This covered parking – or port-cochere if I am being posh – is absolutely brilliant when it is pouring with rain – or if the sun is blazing down – keeps your vehicle dry and cool !

The Island Farm is now closed – along with most other places. At the moment 1648 at French Leave Resort is open – trying to find out if they are planning to close…… Great news that The Potlatch Club reopens on the 20th September ! We will be looking forward to that as you can imagine.

We had a really enjoyable lunch with good friend Amanda and her daughter Lauren at her house on Sunday. Also there were Dan and Larry and Michele Johnson – so it was great to catch up with all the latest island news. It was a very tasty lunch and with us all sitting around a circular table the conversation flowed easily. As I so often say – the company of good friends along with lovely food and a beautiful host lifts the spirits in a way that few other things can. Thank you Amanda for a great occasion…….

Thank you to Lauren who took the picture – sorry we didn’t get one with you in it….

Michele reported wonderful news that The Bahamas Wellness Centre will have hospital rather than clinic status by the beginning of the New Year – and will have a 5 bed inpatient suite as well. A CT scanner has been purchased and again this should be operational by the New Year.

The development and expansion of the clinic is remarkable and is an extremely valuable asset to the island. People can feel reassured that should an emergency arise then they will be well catered for….. Congratulations and thanks to all of those involved who have had a part in this process.

Okay – so that’s all for this week. Have a good weekend and be kind to yourselves as well as to others……

I took this at a property in Double Bay – turned out better than I thought it would !


6 thoughts on “Looking back and then forward ……”

  1. Always lovely to hear an update on a most magical island. You have a great community there. Give our best to Dan & Larry, they were great hosts to us on our last visit. Cheers, Sammy

  2. Hello Kathy. My first time leaving a comment since I recently started reading your blog. Just want to say that I Iove your writing style as it makes me feel very much apart of the conversation and on top of what is happening on the island 🙂 thank you Wendy

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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