More of the Colmans in London and Beyond

Yes – more this week of the Colmans in London and beyond…..

Firstly a picture of us both at the top walking with our youngest grandson Ethan before we left London for the countryside, then below is Ethan with Bob at our hotel in Chiswick – such a lovely little boy – it is nearly 2 years since we first saw him and it is wonderful to see how he has grown and is developing into a fast growing lovely boy….

We rented a car and drove out of London up to Northamptonshire to see family and friends. Readers – we had a beautiful Airbnb – it was a real treat I can tell you. It was a barn conversion – one big space with a small bathroom – beautifully furnished and decorated with no expense spared. The couple who owned it – Alex and Katie – were a delightful couple who were attentive and helpful. I would definitely book it again next time we are visiting…..

This was the view one morning when we looked out – I can’t remember the last time I saw a misty summer morning like this …..

We met my older sister Anne and her husband Bob for a long and leisurely lunch in a quintessentially English country pub.

I had a divine chicken, leek and cheese pie with mash and gravy. I really love pastry and this pie had the best pastry I have eaten for a long time !

We talked and caught up and reminisced and had a very happy time together. As I have said before , FaceTime is a wonderful thing but you just cannot beat being physically in each other’s presence. Such a treat……

Together !

Later that day we went to see a friend that we haven’t seen for at least 30 years ! Wadge owned the gym where Bob and I first met – he was already a member there when I started working as a weight training instructor and aerobics teacher . Again we had a wonderful catch up and marveled at how we are all still here and meeting up after so many years .

I can’t remember what I was laughing at but it was clearly something very amusing ….

Now you all know that I love Indian food and Bob is happy to eat it as well so here are a couple of pictures of a meal we enjoyed with Jane and her son Sam – it is in the small village where they live ! How handy is that …..

Maybe I did get a little carried away with ordering the poppadoms – but I thought 2 each – that’s 8 so let’s just round it up to 10 !! Yes there were several left over …..

We had tandoori chicken masala, onion bhajis , spinach and potato – sag aloo – king prawn masala and a couple of other dishes I don’t remember – oh and peshwari naan – of course . It was a feast and we all tucked in very well.

While we are on the subject of food here is a picture of Bob’s steak – this restaurant was in Towcester – very close to where we stayed and it was recommended by Alex – one of our hosts. It is very close to Silverstone race circuit where the British Grand Prix is always held.  DnA was the restaurant name and it was extremely good and very busy.

Jane gave us a lovely meal at her house on our last night in the country – chicken kiev which I adore with minted new potatoes and a very healthy salad – home cooked food at it’s best .

It was real treat to actually be in Jane’s new – well not so new now – kitchen instead of just seeing it on a small screen
Sam and Bob enjoying a glass of wine together

After leaving Northamptonshire we went to stay with Bob’s best friend Ashley and his wife Jilly in Hertfordshire. We spent time just sitting together, wandering around their beautiful garden , talking, catching up, telling each other how lucky we are to have each other as friends , hearing about our respective families and generally having a lovely time – oh yes and the occasional meal together ….

They took us to a wonderful pub called Judges in Potters Bar for Sunday lunch where I got to eat the long craved for roast dinner ! Oh what a joy. I had roast chicken with yorkshire pudding, roast potatoes, broccoli, beans and gravy. Bob and Ashley had roast beef and Jilly had lobster. Can I just say here greater love hath no man who gives his wife his uneaten roast potato and his friend gives 2 uneaten roast potatoes, Yes I did eat a total of 7 roasties – not a record but pretty good !

Full bellies all round I think. From left to right – Bob, Ashley, me and Jilly

It was treat to see one of Bob’s sculptures in their garden – I had forgotten that he had given them one. needless to say we don’t have any of Bob’s sculptures as he gave them all away !

And finally we had a family reunion with Bob’s brother Barry. he lives in Thailand and we haven’t seen him for many years.

It was an evening of laughter and teasing and more catching up – it was such a treat. Seeing the younger generations and hearing what they are up to was great.

So from the left this is a who’s who !

Billy – Bob’s daughter Sami’s husband, Rio who is Bob’s niece Nicola’s son, Barry – Bob’s brother, Bob, Genevieve-Sami’s daughter holding her daughter Cece , Sami – just visible at the back , Nicola – Barry’s daughter, Brooke – another one of Barry’s daughters , me and in the front Dean – Barry’s son. You may recognize Dean from pictures I have posted before of him when we meet up with him in Fort Lauderdale when he is in the US.

And below is Nicola with Bob – famous Nicola now you are featured and name checked in the blog !!!

Well that’s it for this week – next week another thrilling installment !

12 thoughts on “More of the Colmans in London and Beyond”

  1. A lovely blog, as always! Is Ashley the Englishman who lived on the downhill in Governors Harbour and owned a Morris Minor, by any chance?

      1. No, John was a Scot and wouldn’t have been seen dead in a Morris Minor, God rest his soul! We were great friends with John and were staying at Duck Inn when we caught sight of the Morris Minor a few houses away!


          Clemens is the man who owns the Morris Minor – he and his wife Nancy live a couple of houses up from where the Duck Inn was ….

          1. Thanks, Kathy! Clemens told us that he was (or had been) the manager of the Pink Sands Hotel on Harbour Island. Your blogs always take us on a delightful walk down Memory Lane!

  2. What a lovely trip you are having !! Wonderful to see you both at Sami’s and I am so chuffed to have made it onto the blog lots of love to you both and I look forward to the next installment – love Nicola xx

  3. NICE! You’re both certainly making the best of your time as you document well.. We like Bob’s sculpture rising as it does out of the koi pond. VERY IMPRESSIVE. l raised in our pond when l grew up and miss them!


      Hope it’s not too boring !! I do love that sculpture of Bob’s – shame he isn’t doing any these days….. Good to hear from you x

  4. Bob’s amazing sculpture triggers feelings of oneness with water, of the soothing breath of emergence, of the welcome caress of the elements – the face: sun, rain or night kissed. Does the helmet tell of underwater- unseen battles fought and won? Mysterious and Memorable. I genuflect.


      How wonderful that you have clearly spent some time contemplating the sculpture – great insights ……

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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