On we go through November in Eleuthera

So on we go through November in Eleuthera – where are the weeks going ? Only six weeks until Christmas but here in Eleuthera it is easy to not have to pay too much attention to that build up thank goodness. I do love the holiday season but the over commercialization can cause so much pressure to people. Being here on island it is easier to take a step back from that….

The island is getting busier – this last weekend was very busy because it was Governor’s Harbour Homecoming – which I didn’t tell you about because I simply didn’t get to hear about it until all the stalls were set up for it. Sorry ! And we didn’t go to it either ….. But is brought a lot of people over here and I understand it all went pretty well.

Pouring the concrete and look at that sky !

Last Friday we had a small concrete pour for a parking area for the studio here at Sprawling Towers. Our chaps did a great job and thank heavens we had no rain on it until the next day. We have had a couple of days where it has been very warm again – unexpectedly – but generally it has continued to be cooler with lots of wind. And power outages – some of them for a good few hours at a time. Not fun at all if you are not lucky enough to have a generator. The power supply situation continues to worsen so if you are building a home somewhere on island do allow enough in your budget to have a generator.  They are becoming a necessity and not a luxury now – especially if you have a property that you want to rent out.

With all the finishing touches…

Plenty of homeowners are coming back to the island at this time and it is good to see some lovely familiar faces back here.

We had dinner with good friends Martin and Marcie who own Sweetcorn House, here at Sprawling Towers and then we enjoyed a lunch on Sunday at Potlatch with Mike and Claudia and their friend Louisa. Lots of socializing as we then all met up for a great dinner at Lush Life – catered by Pascal Burrows. It was a lovely evening – but having fun takes it out of you – right ?

The great and the good – and us !

On Friday we went to the groundbreaking for Sunset Marina and Marina Village – it will be next to the old Levy Clinic in Governors Harbour. It is a community focused development that will include waterfront dining and retails spaces as well as a 32 slip marina. It is very early days yet but it will be a welcome addition.

The ground breaking – possibly one of the most boring pictures but not if you are involved in it !

Co-founder Scott Blacquiere said – ” This project is our commitment to Eleuthera – a place we love and believe in. We’re excited to create spaces that serve locals and visitors while preserving what makes Governor’s Harbour so special. ”

This was Bob’s meal of grouper fingers and sweet potato fries at Potlatch last Sunday. 3 of us had this including me and the tempura batter on the grouper fingers was sensational as was the actual grouper.
I had to take a picture of this espresso martini – it wasn’t mine but it just looked so good I had to capture it

Okay dear readers , have a good weekend but do remember in your thoughts and prayers all of those with health issues as well as all the other stresses and strains that life brings to us. Kindness and thoughtfulness go a long way …..

Special thoughts and prayers to the Clavelle family who are having a very tough time – sending love x

Thanks to Alex Gray who took this picture of Dan and I walking the dogs on French Leave Beach ….

5 thoughts on “On we go through November in Eleuthera”

  1. Looks like great times at potlatch lunch, keep loving life my friend !
    We are heading across the pond to Italy and Spain as of tomorrow until mid December .
    Looking forward to getting back to the island soon. But until then have a spectacular Thanksgiving day ! ❤️

  2. kathy@kathycolman.com

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and have a wonderful time in Italy and Spain. Eat as much as you possibly can is my recommendation !

  3. Hi Kathy,
    Thank you again for your enjoyable and, for me, educational, blog. I always find interesting things in them. For example, thanks for alerting me to the groundbreakings for the Sunset Marina and Marina Village, I’ll make sure it’s in the Waterway Guide Bahamas 2026 edition. Alas, our 2025 edition has just gone to press but we can add them to our big web site. I love all your dining exp0loits. Makes me hungry!

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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