Such happy news that the rain finally came in Eleuthera this week ! It has been an extremely dry period here on island – someone who was counting said it was 120 days since any reasonable amount of rain had fallen ….

And boy has it rained here over two days this week. It was steady at first – really soaking in gently – then it was absolutely torrential. You could almost hear the plants and trees singing with relief and happiness ! The cisterns all needed it as well.

This agave stem is shooting up – even before the rain came

I know for people here on vacation it is not so welcome – but it really is a necessity here that we do get regular rainfall. Further north there were some bad cases where the wind and rain lashed the power lines and they came down with much sparking and flashing. Also apparently there was a small boat that flipped over in Harbour Island during the rough weather. I was told it was a water taxi but there is no confirmation of this. All these tales are just to give you an idea of how wild it has been here……

Lovely news that the Sweet and Savory Foodtruck is going to be opening up again soon. Stephanie tells me that the new location is north of Governors Harbour just before Knowles Drive. She has a great website where you are going to be able to order online and then just drive out and collect your food. Click on the link above to see the menu and other details. There will be a sign that shows where it is so you don’t miss it. This will be a very welcome return – Stephanie’s food is always so fresh and well prepared – not to mention healthy and tasty. She anticipates that it should be open by midweek next week – but do check in on the website or on Facebook to get the details Sweet & Savory 

The yoga class that I wrote about earlier this year at The Levy Preserve is really hitting it’s stride I am happy to tell you.

There are 2 classes now on a Saturday – at 8.30 there is a Gentle Yoga Class for people who want to move their body but maybe need to release pain, tightness and become more flexible. This is ideal if you have shoulder, hip or knee problems.

Then at 10am there is the Regular Yoga Class which had a great turnout last week. Monique is a really good teacher – you do work hard but she always makes a class fun as well as making sure that your body is not overstressed. The key to getting the best out of a class is always to not strain and push yourself too much. Regular classes soon begin to show their effect – just do not be tempted to overstrain. As with everything in life a balanced approach is the best….. I often talk about how ‘ego yoga ‘ has caused so many problems for students – and I was guilty of it myself. Always trying too hard to get a deeper stretch or a bigger reach never ends well – especially as the years go by ! But these classes are a wonderful opportunity to enjoy the company of others while giving your mind and body a treat …… $15 per class and ideally become a member of the Bahamas National Trust so that you don’t need to pay the entrance fee every week.

Bob relaxing at Wild Orchid

Bob and I took a road trip last Sunday down to Rock Sound to have lunch at Wild Orchid. This is run by Melissa and her husband Merez who both used to be at 1648 here in Governors Harbour. It is a lovely setting overlooking the water. We ate dynamite coconut shrimp as an appetizer – then Bob has fish tacos and I had a chicken wrap. The service is great and the food was tasty and served up quickly. It is lovely to see a couple who have worked so hard to run their own business and be working for themselves. Do give it a try when you are in Rock Sound – the only day that they close is Tuesday. When we were there on Sunday there were plenty of boaters enjoying themselves and the lovely food.

Dynamite coconut shrimp – tender and succulent
Fish tacos
Chicken wrap

Okay friends – so that’s all for this week. Have a lovely weekend and make sure that you treasure and cherish those family and friends that make your life brighter and better. They truly are such a precious gift……

Haynes Ave is being resurfaced – watch this space….

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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