Last of the US Trip and Back Home in Eleuthera

News of the last of our trip to the US and now back home in Eleuthera.

Most of our time was spent on body maintenance – it is over 6 months since we were last in the US and so all the bits and pieces to stop us falling apart needed to be sorted out. We have a great dentist in Ft Lauderdale and Bob had an appointment with him. He had to have a CT Scan on his jaw to check the bone density – not very glamorous but just amazing technology. The result was that it is all good – great news……

Technology is so amazing these days don’t you think ?

Next , and just down the road on Oakland Park Blvd , we both had appointments at ZRoc dermatology clinic. I have written about them before and how much we love them and their service. We both had full body checks for any possible dodgy looking  lumps, bumps and moles. Bob had to have 5 biopsies and a good few bits removed with liquid nitrogen and I had 2 biopsies. We will get the results in a couple of weeks and have every faith that whatever the results they will be dealt with swiftly and professionally ……

Then my final procedure was having some of my lower eyelashes and hair follicles removed. It was not fun – being injected into the lower eyelid was painful and horrible – but it is the only permanent solution for trichiasis – it uses radio frequency which does at least mean it is permanent. To be free of the constant irritation of the eyelashes brushing against the eyeball was worth the pain and discomfort.

So tempting to only post the glamorous pictures – but I always say it is hair and make-up ! Bruising the morning after – but it got worse and is only just fading now !!

Now back to the food !

One evening Bob suggested out of the blue that we go and have an Indian meal at Bombay Darbar on Las Olas Blvd – just what the doctor ordered. It will be interesting to compare the Indian food that we have in the UK to what we ate in Ft Lauderdale as we always think that it is better in the UK – let’s see !

Tandoori chicken tikka – I love this dish …..
Poppadoms and chutney to start with – only remembered after eating 2 of them to take a picture.

On our last night we ate in the hotel – by this time I was feeling battered and bruised and didn’t want to go out anywhere. I had proper comfort food – lobster mac and cheese. It was meant to be an appetizer but along with a caesar salad it was plenty for me. Bob had a burger – nothing special but it all filled a gap…..

Proper comfort food for me ……

We flew back on Friday and loved the new terminal that Aztec Airways have at SW 34th St – on the airport perimeter. It is big, light, spacious and airy – and has lots of comfortable seating areas.

We were pretty shattered when we got back – but rallied the next day to enjoy the company of good friends Brooke and Andy and Brian and Stephen. They are all people who we met when they rented Tops from us – Brooke and Andy told us that it was 10 years since we first met them. They all came round on Saturday evening for drinks and nibbles and it was wonderful to spend time with them all and catch up on what has been happening for us all……  We had such a lovely time I totally forgot to take any pictures. Sometimes it is perfect to just be so in the moment that you forget about pictures – but next time !

As I constantly say – friendships are the most precious gift and should be enjoyed, nurtured and cared for mindfully.

And so dear friends on we go…… Next week we fly to the UK and I am getting excited about the trip. Seeing dear friends and family will be a real treat and of course there is the food aspect as well…

I will try to stick to the regular schedule of publishing on Thursday – but if there are any hiccups then you will know why …..

Have a lovely weekend and nurture those special friendships whenever you can……

Flying out of FLL
We flew into Rock Sound first – the waters are spectacular as you approach ……

4 thoughts on “Last of the US Trip and Back Home in Eleuthera”

  1. Nurture those special friendships… best advice. Glad you are sorted for now with your medical needs. Love and joy and laughter is THE BEST medicine. Enjoy the UK. See you on your return. xo

  2. hi kathy, i soo enjoy your notes. my mom was born in gtc. she never had opportunity to return, but i thank the lord that i was priviledged. keep it up. your admirer, pat.

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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