So here we are – back home again in Eleuthera – there’s no place like home ! It is wonderful to travel around the world – but it is a real blessing to want to come back to the place we call home.  Sicily and Rome were a great experience – and I do confess that I fell deeply in love with Rome. It is such a beautiful city – full of historical buildings and monuments that give you a real anchor to the past. Plus of course the food is sensational and I could have people watched for days on end. The Italians are a very stylish lot – in so many aspects of their lives – and the fashion was inspiring…….

Stylish to the very end ! This was a hearse we spotted in Sicily - it is a converted Jaguar .......
Stylish to the very end ! This was a hearse we spotted in Sicily – it is a converted Jaguar …….
This was a sequined tuxedo with zebra print pants - in Dolce and Gabbana - too outrageous even for Bob !!
This was a sequined tuxedo with zebra print pants – in Dolce and Gabbana – too outrageous even for Bob !!

The last morning before we flew out we were up early and decided to take a short walk.  The Spanish Steps were close by but were always absolutely crawling with so many people that it would have been a nightmare to try and climb them But at 7.30 am it was pretty deserted so we climbed up them and had a lovely view over the rooftops of Rome. Plus there is something about that early morning light that is very special.

A beautiful early morning view from the top of the Spanish Steps in Rome....
A beautiful early morning view from the top of the Spanish Steps in Rome….
A bit too much of an early start for this caleche driver in Rome .....
A bit too much of an early start for this caleche driver in Rome …..

We flew back into Philadelphia for an overnight stay – a city neither of us had visited before. We had a great hotel near Rittenhouse Square and had another early morning walk around just getting the tiniest flavor of the place. The airport is close to the city so the drive out there was short and pretty much traffic friendly. Then the flight back to Nassau and on to Governors Harbour.  I found it an extremely tiring journey back from Rome and the day someone finds a good cure for jet lag I will celebrate the fortune that they will make !  I read that it takes one day to recover for every hour of time zone that you travel through – so the 6 hour time difference has taken some recovering from !

Fabulous breakfast for Bob in Philadelphia
Fabulous breakfast for Bob in Philadelphia

So the shock of stepping on the scales is over – rather reduced meal sizes for now eh !  And dear Rudge has settled back in well. He and Rufus had their birthday on July 14th – Bastille Day – one year old and both growing into lovely dogs. They are still having play dates on French Leave Beach and both are very keen swimmers……..

Just had to find a place to put this picture of the Swiss Papal Guard at the Vatican
Just had to find a place to put this picture of the Swiss Papal Guard at the Vatican – same uniform since the 1500’s

We have plenty to look forward to as well – next week my sister Jane and her son Sam and girlfriend Katy arrive for a visit – and Bob’s son Joel is arriving to run another basketball coaching camp ………

Another beautiful table setting at the villa we stayed at
Another beautiful table setting at the villa we stayed at
Bob and his lovely daughter Sami in Roma.....
Bob and his lovely daughter Sami in Roma…..
Sami looking very stylish on a walkabout
Sami looking very stylish on a walkabout
I love how they train the oleander into a tree rather than the bush we see here. Might have to try this ....
I love how they train the oleander into a tree rather than the bush we see here. Might have to try this ….


6 thoughts on “Back home again in Eleuthera.”

  1. Weaving oleander! No zebra pants for Bob? Not even a Swiss Guard uniform cross bartered? Who will play Malvolio in our upcoming production of TWELFTH NIGHT??
    Well, at least there is always Food, Glorious FOOD! Xox

    1. Bob and Kathy Colman

      You need to get back on island – sounds like you are flipping out !!!!! Safe journey back xx

  2. Where did you stay in Rome? We are from Philadelphia so we hope you enjoyed the Rittenhouse Square area which is our favorite section of town. Did you eat at Parc?

    1. Bob and Kathy Colman

      In Rome we stayed in a fabulous place called Hotel D’Inghilterra – near the Spanish Steps…… We didn’t eat at Parc – partly because we were so stuffed and overfed after 2 weeks in Eataly !! and partly because we didn’t know about it. But if we return to Philadelphia we certainly will give it a try. Maybe it is just as well that we didn’t know as I may have just burst !

  3. Thank you so much for sharing your adventures with photographs. Excellent. I followed you around and lived vicariously through your travels. You both certainly know how to have fun and how to share. Looking forward to seeing you before the end of the year. Oxxooxx

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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