Well – as Elvis Presley sang ‘ Didja ever get one of those days ?’  When nothing goes right from morning till night – didja ever get one of those days ? Well I did this week – but these days pass …. Anyway here is the story of that day …….

Rudge and Ceci the cat are becoming good friends – which is great news. They hang out together on the back porch and generally seem to be falling in love with each other. When I am at home I have Rudge on a 30ft leash so he can wander around without running off – which believe me he would do.

Anyway yesterday morning he decided to follow Ceci right under the deck – where she sleeps – and wind himself firmly around several support posts until there was no slack left on the leash at all. One of the gardeners tried to crawl under the deck to cut the leash and unwind him – but Rudge was having none of it – barking and growling at him and not letting him near. So of course there was only one option.

This is where I went in !
This is where I went in !

Yes dear readers , yours truly had to crawl in over the rocky bits and the very dirty bits and set him loose. Complete change of clothing and quick shower later I was ready to go off to do my errands.

And the far posts at the back are where I crawled to - thanks Rudge !!
And the far posts at the back are where I crawled to – thanks Rudge !!

Driving down the road I thought something doesn’t feel quite right and I got out to discover I had a flat tyre. What a pain. I was lucky enough to get one of our workmen to come by and change the wheel for me. And what I discovered was that I had hit one pothole too many – going too fast – and the wheel rim was completely distorted and leaking the air from the tyre.

If you have driven around Eleuthera lately you will be aware that the pothole situation is dire – and to anyone who will be landing in North Eleuthera airport and driving down to Governors Harbour or any other settlement please do be careful We have all swerved to miss a big hole in the road and finishing up driving straight into it – no ? well maybe just me then !!

On a more positive note up here at the top of the hill at Colman Towers we may be having our lack of piped water situation resolved. Without sending you all to sleep I will just tell you that for the last 3 years we have had virtually no city water to the houses at Governors Estate. We have relied on rainwater and buying in tanker loads of water to keep our rental properties supplied. A very expensive option.

The trenching is done .....
The trenching is done …..

But the new head of Water and Sewerage here in Eleuthera suggested an alternative route for getting water to us. So the road was duly dug up, the trenching machine brought in and as we speak new piping is being laid. Fingers and everything else crossed that this will work and most of our water worries will be over ……

Might just look like an underground pipe to you but to me it looks like salvation !
Might just look like an underground pipe to you but to me it looks like salvation !

Finally my delight for this week is about a remarkable young lady called Angelina McKenzie aged about 13 from Spanish Wells who has raised $500 for the Special Olympics Bocce Tournament here in Eleuthera. She organized a bake sale as well as a cleanathon  campaign in Spanish Wells. It is so heartening to see such young members of our communities with an awareness for those less fortunate than themselves. She is a remarkable but totally unassuming young lady who deserves to be acknowledged and celebrated – well done and our very grateful thanks to her …….

This is the T shirt that Angelina had printed and also sold to raise the funds....
This is the T shirt that Angelina had printed and also sold to raise the funds….

By the way for those of you way too young to remember that not very good or well known song I mentioned at the start of this blog – here is a link to watch him sing it – from the movie called GI Blues !

Finally a picture of the vegetable garden at Governors Estate - coming on a treat.....
Finally a picture of the vegetable garden at Governors Estate – coming on a treat…..

6 thoughts on “Didja ever get one of those days ?”

  1. Water seems to be an issue for Cupids Cay as well.I wanted to meet you and Ceci my last trip at New Year’s but wasn’t sure where you live.Is it the white house at the top of the hill with Santa in the Cessna?I enjoy reading your posts!

    1. Bob and Kathy Colman

      Yes – that is us ! Water is an issue through a lot of the island I know …… So pleased you enjoy reading the blogs .

  2. Well then! I just had to listen to Elvis’s song before I wrote you! It’s quite catchy isn’t it? Here’e as factoid for you: my stepmother knew Elvis and my dad was jealous! Now onto your escapade into the nether lands of creepy crawlers. You poor baby. Lucky you didn’t get scrapped up. Is city water drinkable? SO glad the hill will now be connected. I imagine that will benefit your Cigatoo complex development.

    We’ve had unforgiving freezing temps in the 0 and minus digits with heavy snow and winds. Now suddenly in the 50’s and pouring rain that is flooding everything. You want some water? Thanks for your blog that keeps me and other connected to Eleuthera!
    Donna & Stuart xo

    1. Bob and Kathy Colman

      Hi Donna – well this one did get through ! Love the Elvis connection …. City water is not drinkable – don’t try it ! Weather sounds just hideous – but great to hear from you.

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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