Discovering Delish – a bit late to the party !

So last Sunday Bob and I discovered Delish in James Cistern – a bit late to the party as they have been open for 3 years ! We have meant to try it but you know how the best of intentions can fall by the wayside …..

Last Sunday was very cool – for Eleuthera – and very breezy and we were in the mood for an adventure so off we went for lunch. It is a small menu but what they do , they do very well. Bob had grouper snack – beautiful fresh fish and a lovely light tempura style batter. I had cracked shrimp with smashed potatoes – I do love my carbs …..

Great picture of Bob with Richie – co- owner with his wife Shelley

The service was prompt and very efficient – and our waitress Eliana was charming – a lovely young woman. We met Richie and his lovely wife Shelley – the owners from Nassau. He is front of house and Shelley is in the kitchen. As I said – it is a small menu – all the usual things you would expect – but extremely well executed. I should have had some salad as well – but next time ! The bill was a very pleasant surprise which is not often the case here on island. 2 Sands light beers, plus our food – $63 ! Plus a tip on top for our lovely waitress.

I do just love an icy cold beer…..
along with a good plate of food !

It is great to see a place doing well – there were plenty of people there – and there was certainly a lovely atmosphere. Friendly but efficient with really good service. I do recommend that you give it a try when you are passing by.

Plenty of people there ….

Plus they have a lovely dog called Gino who does not make himself a nuisance for food – in face Richie said he won’t take scraps when they are offered to him. Impeccable manners !

What a lovely boy

The weather here continues to be what I would call a bit iffy. January can be quite cool and we have certainly had that along with high winds and very cloudy skies. But it makes us appreciate the sunshine when we see it all the more. And of course we are still just loving the beautiful sunrises that we see from Sprawling Towers…….

Nothing more to add…..

Have a good week , keep warm if you are pretty much anywhere but the Bahamas and keep safe on treacherous roads – and that goes for everywhere…….

Keeping a good lookout – thanks Brian

Not a lot of news but a good few pictures this week.

Arty – eh ?
First tomato harvesting this year
Now this plant is self seeded – no soil here just a bit of scrubby sand and rock – how does that work ? Self seeded from last year – no plant was here before but it is where we washed the tomatoes off from another barren area ….

4 thoughts on “Discovering Delish – a bit late to the party !”

  1. Thanks for the photos. Yes. Arty. You knew I’d LOVE Brian’s classic cat pose! Water impressions in beach sand meditative too. Weather world wide is kafluey. Cheers…

  2. Loved the photos! I especially love the beach photos. Man! Eleuthera has changed over the years! The beach photos have not changed. Reminiscent of my old Eleuthera.

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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