News of Mary Pattison’s Death this week in Eleuthera

Hello dear friends and readers. Sad news this week of the death of my Mum , Mary Pattison.

But it was also a blessing and she is suffering no more.

As you know I took a break from blogging because my sister Jane and I were taking care of her. She died at home, which of course sounds lovely – but some of you will know the reality is extremely hard and awful and nothing like it is in the movies. But death is a part of life for all of us and experiencing what we both did was a huge mixture of emotions and has left both of us absolutely exhausted – physically, emotionally and mentally. But we will take the time we need to recover and we have each other to share the experiences with. Restorative walks on the beach and swims in the ocean will help us through it all

Christmas 2022

Mary came here in September 2005 with our stepfather Theo. He lived for 5 1/2 years before he also died here on island. They had a wonderful few years together with much laughter .  After he died Mary was totally determined to continue her life here on island and only returned back to the UK once , in 2013. She never did enjoy traveling and was content to live the rest of her life here.

She had enjoyed very good health until 2020 when she began to be unsteady on her feet. Gradually her health declined ,  until January of this year when she had a fall. Nothing was broken thank goodness but it did cause a much faster deterioration. She thoroughly enjoyed a visit in early March by Bob’s daughter – Sami, her husband Billy , their daughter Genevieve and her partner James along with our gorgeous baby great granddaughter Cece. From the end of April the decline was rapid and she developed dementia with a frightening speed. It is a cruel and hideous disease as some of you will know.

With her great great granddaughter Cece

Anyway she finally died on Monday 24th July 2023. May she rest in peace ….

We all want to thank you for the kind messages that you sent when I published the last blog. Even those of you who never had met her were so kind and caring. It means a great deal…..

And thank you to the good friends here on island who have helped us through this time.

Special thanks to the lovely Dan Blow who was a stalwart friend to her and visited every day since her decline began. This was with the birthday cake he made for her in February this year…
Not the crispest picture but I love this one taken at her 90th birthday party….


Mary Pattison 20.02.1927 – 24.07.2023

40 thoughts on “News of Mary Pattison’s Death this week in Eleuthera”

  1. Kathy , thinking of you . I so enjoyed my visits with your mum. She was a lovely and uplifting lady and always had a smile on her face ( of course I was with Dan who always makes us all smile.) you have so many treasured memories . Be at peace with the knowledge you made her later life better, and were a truly terrific daughter and caregiver. Sending you much love

    Elise Platt

  2. Our deepest sympathy. May you and your family find peace and strength to heal. Judy and I went thru the same with our Dad who lived to be 95.
    May your Mom rest in peace.

    Much love.
    Susan, Judy and Joe from LI NY

    1. Donna Kurkul & Stuart Cohen

      Oh Kathy, Bob, Jane and to your family as well as her friends, Stuart and l send our heartfelt thoughts to everyone who holds her dear. So glad l have memories of my last visit with her this past March as well as those previous. They say people are only dead when there is no one left to remember them! So, Cece and others will have these pics from 2023 and Mary will live on in her memory and in others who knew her. Rest easy…Love, Donna ♡

  3. Jane Sanderson

    Sad news! Mary was such a sweet lady, always smiling. She was so lucky to have you and your sister with her and caring for her.
    Take care of yourself now!
    Jane and Andrew


    I loved breaking bread with Mary. She was Very British, so funny and elegant, and in my eyes HAPPY.

    I saw her with Theo, what a beautiful couple. What a team!

    From my handful of observations, she had a flirty side, a serene side, a silly side and of course a SMART sides. Many sides!

    Sending love.

    And one day a big hug.


      Thank you Daniel – we had some good times at our Christmas Table didn’t we ? Lovely to hear from you – take good care of yourself….. xx

  5. So sorry to hear this. No matter the age we are never ready to let go. There is nothing better than walks along the ocean to restore. You are in our thoughts and prayers now and all the days coming.

  6. We will miss having Mary as a neighbour. Your mother was truly one of a kind. She will never be forgotten by any of us who knew her. We send you our deepest condolences and wish for you a peaceful time of healing with the loving support of friends and family. XO


      Thank you Marcie – she certainly was one of a kind. These messages are a real comfort….xx

  7. “Grief only exists where love lived first “…….
    So sorry to hear about your beautiful Mum.
    Her love of life was reflected in many of your
    Love and blessings to you and family,
    Joan Janicelli

  8. Sylvia Sharplin

    Thank you for sharing. We pray for peace for you and your family, and that with time the many wonderful memories you have with your mother will prevail.

  9. Kathy, Bob and Jane,

    It is hard to let go. No matter how we prepare for death; it always shows itself differently with every individual. Peace be with you and Mary. She was so lucky to have you! Keep walking the beach! Memories are so important!


      Thank you so much Camilla – as the weeks go by things will calm down and the memories will come to the fore…. Lovely to hear from you ….

      1. Kathy, I am so sorry to hear about your Mom…I am thinking about you and your family and sending you healing thoughts and prayers. I am so glad I had a chance to meet her a few times…she was such a lovely and lively soul!! Take good care of yourself!

  10. Kathy, I was saddened to hear of dear Mary’s death. You and Jane were dear daughters to care for her in her decline and passing. It’s never easy to lose a parent, and the loss of a mum seems especially hard, no matter their age or ours. I remember how happy. Mary was on the island, as well as your dad. My condolences to you, Jane and your families. Mary’s spirit will live on in the waves and wind and swaying of the island’s palms, in its sunrises and sunsets, in the hearts of those she loved and those who loved her.

    1. Thank you Kay – lovely words ….. Just as a side note – Theo was my stepfather – my own dad died nearly 40 years ago. I love the image of her spirit living on in the wind and waves, swaying palm trees and sunrises and sunsets…. Much appreciated….

  11. So sorry to hear the sad news Kathy
    My thoughts are with you Robert and all the family much love
    Nicola xx

  12. Susanne mulligan

    So sorry to read about your mom,even if it was expected,it takes time to deal.My thoughts with your family

  13. Cynthia Dougherty

    Dear Kathy,
    We enjoyed your hospitality a few years ago. Did not meet your Mom at the time but know you built a wonderful life for her in GH. There must be so many beautiful memories to keep with you.
    All our best, Cynthia & Bob

  14. Oh, Kathy – I’m so very sorry for your loss. Sending you lots of love. Please take care of yourself and know that you, Bob and the rest of your family are in our thoughts and prayers.

  15. Mark Max Hussey

    Sorry to hear of your loss Kathy and Bob. We only met her half a dozen times but she was always smiling and happy to engage us. Sadly missed by all that loved and knew her – love M & M Hussey Fond Memories xo

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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