Taking a little break from blogging…..

News this week that I am taking a little break from this blog. As you all know I am very proud of the fact that I have not missed a week in 9 years but I am in a situation where it is not  viable for me to continue for the time being.

Briefly my Mum, Mary, has some health issues that are taking up all of my time.

I will miss you all for a while but will be back at some stage. Thank you for all of your support……..


52 thoughts on “Taking a little break from blogging…..”

  1. So sorry to hear about your lovely mum having health issues. Wishing you the best. Will miss your updates. Stay positive.


      1. So sorry for your mom. I wish her all the best.
        I enjoyed your blog so much the last years and will be missing it urgently. Therefore I will be really happy about you being back writing again soon.
        The best wishes for you
        from Sonja (Germany)

    1. Please give my loving greetings to Mary. We enjoyed being with her (and Theo) for many years and hope she will be soon be up and about.

  2. Kathy, it is perfectly understandable that you have to be there for Mary. Please pass on our love to Mary and do take time for yourself.

  3. Barbara Fischl

    So sorry to hear that Mary is not well. We hope that she will be back swimming laps in your pool soon.

  4. Kathy, it’s wonderful that you can be there for your Mom. I understand how time consuming caring for an elderly parent is, and send you and Mary love and good wishes.

  5. Joan Janicelli

    I look forward to your blogs so much ! They bring Eleuthera closer to
    my heart. But, family first ! Do take care of your Mom and love her every moment together……

  6. Totally understandable as I deal with my father now too. Sorry to hear of your mom’s health issues! We will miss the blog and look forward to when it pops up again. Counting down our days till we get to Eleuthera in February!! Take care and sending prayers!

  7. Christy Walker

    I will miss your lovely blog and pics of Lutra that help heal my longing to be back in paradise. Take care, and lots healing thoughts prayers to your mom. <3

  8. I, for one, am grateful we can access all your old blogs! Fun to re-read……like Netflix, but quieter.
    Best wishes for Mary and you, Bob and Jane. Everyone needs a break sometime!

    1. kathy@kathycolman.com

      Thank you dear Dan and thank you for pointing out that there are 9 years worth of blogs to re-read.

  9. OMG I will miss your blogs sooo much… As you know, I have been reading each and everyone of them for the last 9 years. I can’t even image all the discipline it took to be so consistent for all this time. Your blogs enlightened all my Thursdays. Take great care of yourself and of Mary. Wish Mary gets better soon 🙂 Sending positive energy and prayers . And when you will be ready again, we will be there waiting to read another great blog of yours! Thank you for all you have done to bring us parts of Eleuthera each week & Take care. Sending lots of love ❤️ xoxo

  10. So sorry for the break in the writing of your blog; but, totally understand. Best wishes to you and Mary and Bob! You will be missed! I can only hope for a return.
    Old blogs will be fun to read. Very best to your family!

      1. Kathy, so sorry to hear of Mary’s health issues. Take care of her but also take care of yourself. Thoughts and prayers are with all of you!

  11. Will miss your blogs Kathy but as always you are taking such good care of your Mom!! Take good care of yourself too…Sending you lots of love and light!

  12. Susan Roberts

    Kathy I am so sorry to hear your Mother is not well, my sister Midge and I see all the photos of her from your blog and feel we know her well, she looks such a warm, friendly lady. We trust she will not be too uncomfortable and will soon feel better. I am presently putting a file together for one of my Grandsons, telling him about his wonderful Mother who passed away when he was just 4, you have been blessed ! Susan Roberts and Midge Adams.

    1. Thank you for this ….. What a beautiful idea for your grandson – but so sorry that you are in a situation where it is necessary.

  13. Christine Bettis

    As some have already said, I too have never met you or your Mom, but having read your blog for some years now I feel like I have. Sending healing thoughts and well wishes to her and positive vibes to both you and Bob.

  14. Roselyn Drake

    So sorry to hear about your mom. Sending love and prayers–I will be thinking of you!
    Roselyn Drake

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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