Wishing you a Happy New Year from Eleuthera

This is to wish you all a very Happy New Year from Bob and I here in Eleuthera.  2016 has been a year of  turmoil and loss for many people and they will be glad to be moving forward…..


I like to take time during the week between Christmas and New Year to reflect a little on the past year as well as thinking about hopes and dreams for the coming one. For me personally the strongest theme of 2016 has been the importance of enjoying and nurturing the friends and family that I am blessed with. They are our greatest gifts in life and I feel it has been the source of much joy to be able to really spend meaningful time having proper conversations with depth and love even if the conversations are sometimes about difficult  situations…….  As the years go by I realize that these are the true riches in my life and I value them as such.

For the coming year we have some exciting projects happening but I hope to find that balance between work and the rest of my life that brings a daily sense of joy. Dear Rudge has taught me that taking a little amount of time every day to walk on the beautiful beaches here can bring a sense of perspective and connection to the more important aspects of life……

I wish you all a happy and peaceful New Year and the courage and strength to deal with all that life throws at us just when we think all is going swimmingly !

Dear Rudge showing how he can be a calm and gentle presence - even when we are eating !
Dear Rudge showing how he can be a calm and gentle presence – even when we are eating !
The table all set for Christmas Day
The table all set for Christmas Day
Christmas Day shared with great friends....
Christmas Day shared with great friends….
Mum and Alysse ready to tuck in.....
Mum and Alysse ready to tuck in…..
Goodness me - did I really eat all that ? Yes !!
Goodness me – did I really eat all that ? Yes !!


10 thoughts on “Wishing you a Happy New Year from Eleuthera”

  1. And I thought Easter dinner was fantabulous! Your table setting is lovely and the food? HMMMM… looks delicious. You outdid yourself again. Wished we were there to join you guys. I’m sure you heard about the kayaking adventure. Keep smiling…it’s infectious. Happy New Year!

  2. Dear Kathy, thank you so much for all the Eleuthera news this year. Yours is the only blog that I follow and I appreciate the effort you put into making it happen.
    We send you all our best wishes for the new year and may all your and Bob’s dreams come true.
    With love from Eileen, Ian and all the
    Grays in Toronto.

    1. Bob and Kathy Colman

      That is so kind – I know you are not a blog sort of person – so I take it as a great compliment …… looking forward to seeing you soon xx

  3. Happy New Year Kathy and Bob, Thank you for all your cheery messages and updates on the local news and Rudge’s progress. He is turning into a lovely dog and I’m sure a good companion. Walking my dogs midday is the best part of every day for me. There is a tranquility being with them that is infectious and soothing. It is that same feeling I got from riding horses and I miss that part of my life but with so much going on I wouldn’t have time for that right now. Cheers and keep smiling and best wishes to your mother. xoxoxo

  4. We just live down the street from you and anxiously await each newsy letter! Keeps us in touch when the pups do not have play dates! Love you folks and Mary…”…and your little little dog too!”*
    Happy New Year!
    Dan, Larry, Willy and RUFUS

    * courtesy of The Wicked Witch, Wizard Of Oz

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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