Eleuthera All That Jazz 2016 in Governors Harbour

This last week saw the 4th annual Eleuthera All That Jazz Festival here in Governors Harbour – fantastic ! Every year it grows more – events spanned over 5 days and there appeared to be record numbers of people attending at the different venues.

The weather was very kind to us – not too hot and thankfully the rain held off until Monday when we had a storm with massive amounts of rain. Anyone with a water cistern was delighted as we have been very short of rain – but back to the Jazz Festival…..

On the other end of a camera for once - Mark Coeffic with Bob
On the other end of a camera for once – Mark Coeffic with Bob

I was away until Thursday so the first event we went to was Friday Night Fish Fry. The Harbour Boys Junkanoo group had organized a brilliant new jazz inspired Junkanoo Rush. The girls looked very glamorous – all in black with lots of sparkly sequins – and the guys all had very debonair new outfits as well. It was great to see them adapt to the jazz theme and they did a fabulous job.

Official photographer was Mark Coeffic – his range of pictures is just stunning – have a look at his album. Just click on the link on his name.

Bob playing air guitar ! - next year an appearance ???
Bob playing air guitar ! – next year an appearance ???

Saturday morning saw the jazz workshop at Haynes Library for the children to be introduced to the musicians and their instruments. The musicians were great with the children and many of the them were thrilled to be able to hold an instrument for the first time in their lives. Chris Smith – a local homeowner from the UK – did a terrific job organizing this event and encouraging the musicians to forego a lie-in that they may have been looking forward to !

Bob with the lovely and vivacious Shannon Curran - she gets things done !
Bob with the lovely and vivacious Shannon Curran – she gets things done !

We always build the stage for the Saturday night concert at the Levy Preserve – when I say we of course I mean my lovely husband Bob Colman and his merry band of workers. Bob has a long history of stage design among his many talents. This year he roped in the services of a lovely generous couple from the US who also have a home here in Eleuthera to do the stage lighting. Beware if Bob ever asks you what you do – he may have plans !

Anyway, Sharron Curran, who used to organize all the events at Madison Square Garden, and her husband Bruce Ferri did the most amazing job. Bruce is a lighting expert and he did a truly spectacular job. They hired and shipped in the lights , their own expert technicians and the computer boards that controlled it all. Have a look at their company FLDA

Bruce Ferri - brilliant lighting designer of FLDA with Tim his multitasking spot operator amongst many other things
Bruce Ferri – brilliant lighting designer of FLDA with Tim his multitasking spot operator amongst many other things

It was a huge favor on their part and it enhanced everyone’s enjoyment of a great event.  Incidentally my favorite chef Stephanie Mariscal and her team supplied the delicious canapés for the mingling session before the concert started – great food !

Leon Levy Preserve Pavilion being lit for the occasion
Leon Levy Preserve Pavilion being lit for the occasion

Sunday saw the jazz Brunch at ‘On the Rocks’ with catering done by Tomkats Catering all the way from Nashville – clue here is another Eleutheran homeowner ! Great job with very tasty food – and plenty of it  – another job very well done.

Tim and Matt - technician extraordinaire and design implementer extraordinaire respectively from FLDA
Tim and Matt – technician extraordinaire and design implementer extraordinaire respectively from FLDA

If you haven’t enjoyed visiting Eleuthera while the Jazz Festival is on then make a date for 2017. March 29th – April 2nd – check out the Facebook page for Eleuthera All That Jazz

No event in GH is complete without a BEC man up a pole !!!
No event in GH is complete without a BEC man up a pole !!!

10 thoughts on “Eleuthera All That Jazz 2016 in Governors Harbour”

  1. Suzanne Andrews

    Dear Kathy, (You help bring the ‘glam’ to Gov’s…. )

    I so enjoyed reading this, and of course Marco’s fantastic photographs. I’m so sorry to have missed it, Paris has been delaying my trips, but I hope to get back soon.

    It all sounds lovely, and looks as thought the festival is really starting to take off. It’s also wonderful that there has been so much generous support from fellow homeowners. Brava!

    Well done, congratualations, and looking forward to seeing you and Bob on my next trip.

    Suzanne Andrews

  2. Even nicer when the man up the pole actually sheds light on the subject!….but that is another story!
    Great coverage of a singular event on our beautiful island…thanks Kathy!!

  3. This was my first Eleuthera All That Jazz Festival and certainly not my last..
    And, Patricia said that I bought the very first ticket for the festival.

    Dan advised: If there is only one event you can attend do the Levy concert, although I attended all except On the Rocks!
    Bob saw me off for my flights on Sunday morning, so I missed it. Bob said sadly: “And now I’ve got to take it all down.”

    The Haynes library video is well done.
    A former librarian, researcher and educator, I now understand the fundraising needs for the Haynes Library and the opportunities the library presents to its students. Bravo!

    Bob’s guitar pose. Way cool…and sexy!
    Glad you posted next year’s dates Kathy…

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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