A day out to Nassau ……

Eleuthera - home again !

Every now and again – not too often – I have to take a day out to Nassau – business to take care of – mothers to be sorted out – sisters to collect !

So last week with my 87 year old Mum in tow we took the Pineapple Air flight first thing in the morning off to Nassau.

Big cruise ships in the harbor at Nassau
Big cruise ships in the harbor at Nassau

Why is it that when you have plenty of time to spare things always happen quickly and so we arrived early !

Soon we had picked up the rental car from Avis and set off to head in to Nassau – no traffic – unheard of.

A couple of stops later and we were at The Cosmetic Boutique  on Bay St – part of the John Bull Group – great for stocking up on duty free make-up and face creams.

Next stop was lunch at Cafe Matisse – my favorite place to eat in Nassau – fabulous food, great service and a great location. I had linguine with crab, Mum had organic chicken with delicious vegetables.

Lunch at Cafe Matisse
Lunch at Cafe Matisse
Organic chicken at Cafe Matisse
Organic chicken at Cafe Matisse

Finally on to Solomons Fresh Market – right near the airport – if you have time it is ALWAYS worth a visit to stock up on all sorts of goodies that we cannot get here in Eleuthera.

This time I bought lovely fresh multigrain bread, lots of fresh raspberries, a variety of cheeses, some great vegetables, fresh organic chickens , delicious Waitrose cookies, two types of flour – oh goodness this is getting very boring – enough said that it was a great treat !

Back to the airport to meet my sister off the BA flight – she is here for a month – yippee !

Finally flew back in to Governors Harbour – always such a lovely feeling when that plane touches down and we are back home….

Eleuthera - home again !
Eleuthera – home again !

As Dorothy says – there’s no place like home !

2 thoughts on “A day out to Nassau ……”

  1. Oh Kathy…Love reading your posts that will assist many visitors!
    You are having so much fun. Enjoy!
    We’re off on our “lunch date” today…a most beautiful weather day.
    Walking through Amherst…later a joy ride in the Miata.
    Wish you were here and I there too.
    Take care, and regards to Bob, your mum.
    Enjoy Dorothy’s visit…

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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