Coming up this week in Eleuthera …..

I am very excited at a couple of events we have coming up this week in Eleuthera – the second year of Art in the Park at the Levy Preserve as well as – on the same day ! – the fundraiser for the Special Olympics Bocce Tournament and Special Olympics Track and Field event for the Exceptional Learners.

Students at Windemere High School painting a lizard for the trail !

As anyone who regularly reads my blog knows, Bob and I are great supporters of the children with learning disabilities here in Eleuthera and especially the Special Olympics events that they participate in during the year. The Bahamas team have just competed at the Special Olympics World Games held in Abu Dhabi and did extremely well – winning 6 gold medals – a couple of silver and 5 bronze. Sadly no team members came from Eleuthera this time – but who knows for the future.

The fundraising event is a barbecue extravaganza – and we hope it will be well attended. Many people have already donated money for which we are very very grateful. And we know from experience that the good it does is immeasurable.

Pig Roast Champions of the Bahamas Julian Carey and Carl Ramnerine will be in charge of all the grilling so we are in for a treat !

Of course we have no pictures yet of the upcoming events so I figured you can never see too many cute puppy pictures – especially of Xena Coconut Warrior Princess – to give her the full Kennel Club registered name !

I also want to tell you about the great impact that Dr Arlington Lightbourne’s clinic in Palmetto Point is having in our Eleuthera community. Personally I have used the clinic to have blood tests done – all results were excellent so good news there. A lot of people have joined up for the Wellness program and the amount of weight being lost through their guidance is spectacular. The fitness levels that are being recommended are being reached and so many people are feeling good as a result of that.

And the emergency treatments that can be carried out there at the moment are hugely appreciated. Our very dear friends Clemens and Nancy von Merveldt are recent beneficiaries of the terrific level of skill and care that the clinic offers. Clemens called me late one afternoon this week and asked me if I thought that Dr Lightbourne would see Nancy immediately. She was vomiting and in a lot of pain all on her left hand side. After a quick phone call he said he would see her at the clinic even though they were due to close.

After blood and urine tests Dr Lightbourne told her that she was suffering from a kidney stone – the pain of passing them is excruciating I am told. She was put on a drip, had antibiotics and pain killers and within a few hours was back home feeling a whole heap better. When I asked for her permission to tell her story she was delighted to spread the word of how impressive the whole set up is there. So two new members signing up as a result of that emergency ! It is such an important service that is being offered here that we must continue to raise funds for this amazing enterprise.

Next up for the clinic are a generator and the X ray machine – both items that will make another huge difference to life here.

Just going to take her big brother Rufus for a walk
Cute or what !1
Oh we line up so well for those beach treats !
Lunch with Indi and Mary at Sunset Inn
Two very handsome Colman men …….

9 thoughts on “Coming up this week in Eleuthera …..”

  1. Oh Nancy! THAT is THE worst pain! Stuart had the same. I just want to encourage folks to donate as we have to the clinic in Palmetto Point. Dr. Lightbourne treated me in December 2018. He and the staff are fantastic and represent well the ongoing efforts to improve Bahamian health.

    Love the beach scenes with canine training. Regards to Mary…
    Donna Kurkul & Stuart Cohen

  2. I don’t know who is the bigger media star: XENA or Indie?!!
    (Their names sound great together, btw…..I suggest Indie startlooking for a girl named XENA!)

  3. Great! it looks awesome!

    But I was wondering why have you placed a hidden link on the right sidebar just beneath the picture and above the “Follow the Blog!” text. In between there is a white gap, if you will slowly take your mouse over there, you will find your cursor changing to a clickable cursor, it links to some weird site of wordpress, did you notice that?

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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