Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point

Last week we went to the opening of Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point in the south of the island. The first Disney cruise ship is due in at the end of this week and after that they will be coming in regularly.

Now I know that this development has been seen as pretty controversial and there has been plenty of opposition – mainly but not exclusively from second home owners who want to have access to Lighthouse Point Beach and people who quite rightly have conservation concerns about the famous beauty spot. The reality of life is that sometimes developments have to happen for all sorts of reasons – not least economical.

The south of the island has suffered greatly with an economic slump for many years now and undoubtedly this development is bringing an upturn in the economy. Now that is not necessarily through a huge number of new jobs – but there is most definitely an economic boost for many existing businesses in the south. people with homes to rent, food stores, car rental businesses and local restaurants and bars  have all benefitted from what is happening …….

Me with Heather Carey who is The Island Director

Disney have been very generous as well with funding various projects for the good of the communities as well. Of course the Business Hub in Rock Sound where the Eleuthera Chamber of Commerce is situated has been a beneficiary and have small offices and a larger presentation space available which are now quite widely used.

Bob and I with Tommy Sands of Rock Sound fame !

At the official opening it was announced as well that a further $700,000 would be donated to pay for the upgrading of school playgrounds throughout south and central Eleuthera. So Disney are making it obvious that they intend to be of benefit to the community which is heartening. They have already donated and supported local Junkanoo groups.

Not easy to get a good shot of the Junkanoo rush – but it fabulously colorful
The lovely pavilion where the great and the good including our Prime Minister Brave Davis and our local MP Clay Sweeting made their speeches – all artwork and design on the pavilion done by Bahamian artists.

Inevitably there will be a part of the population who see them as a rich corporation trying to buy their way in – but let’s have a little faith that there are still enough people who really do care within these institutions. Goodness knows we all need to have something positive to look forward to.

Lovely to meet up with LaToya Johnson who was head of engineering on the project. She used to be our personal trainer many years ago …..

Anyway – back to last Thursday when Bob and I took the long drive down to the opening. It was a boiling hot day – and although the opening was in the morning the heat was searing. Thankfully I took hats for both of us as the seating for the opening speeches and celebrations was in direct sunlight. Disney had provided folding umbrellas for a little personal shade but no under cover seating areas at all. Mercifully the speeches were pretty short in the scheme of things – and there was a plentiful supply of cold water – no plastic bottles either but recyclable aluminum.

It was so hot !

The complex is beautifully constructed and finished as you would expect – real excellence even though a few things were not fully finished – just planting and landscaping. We didn’t stay for the lunch as we couldn’t face queuing in the heat and I was told later that the planned tours of the larger complex were cancelled because of the heat.

Minnie and Micky very vacation inspired in their island outfits.

All in all it was very interesting and we were very happy to have been invited and it was lovely to see so many Bahamian faces as the invited guests. There was a great junkanoo feature and of course Micky and Minnie Mouse as you will see in the pictures …..

Let’s wish this project well along with the other cruise ship lines that are also based in the south.

Anybody else think that from the side this looks like a couple of pringles ??? Don’t get me wrong it is a beautiful pavilion …..

On a different note last Sunday Jane and I had decided to cook a slap up roast chicken dinner and invited Dan and Larry to celebrate Dan’s birthday which was the day before.

Let me just tell you what we prepared and served ! Roast chicken with stuffing and gravy – Jane’s stuffing is extremely good. Crispy roast potatoes, roasted parsnips and carrots, minted peas, cauliflower au gratin and another of Jane’s specialties red cabbage. It was huge platefuls all round and we all ate far too much – but it was great ! It is over a  year since we last cooked a roast – it was a lot of work and even more clearing up but boy was it worth it ! Monday lunch was fried up leftovers and that was nearly as enjoyable…..

Followed later with a couple of Tums !!!

Okay – that’s all for this week – have a great weekend and don’t eat too much – unless like Dan and Larry you are taking a trip to the US and meeting up with all your old friends !

Lovely to start seeing the poinciana flowers coming through …..

16 thoughts on “Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point”

  1. John Iannotti

    Thanks for this viewpoint and update of the Disney entry to the island. Jean and I have not returned much after our first three extended stays there, but we have influenced over 15 friends and relatives to make the island a destination point. They loved their visits but expressed concern that Disney would ruin the pristine and natural look of the place. Your write up alleviated most of that in my mind. My hopes to return have gotten stronger as Jean has suggested a family trip there. Our three children have a total of nine others (those pesky spouses and grandchildren) for a total of fourteen of us!!. now if i can figure out how to fund this undertaking…….

    john iannotti

  2. Frank Regueyra

    Always a pleasure to hear of the happening sin Eleuthera and your great reviews. pictures of teh food are also outstanding and looking for a time to come visit again.

  3. Brenda & John Harmeling

    Greetings Kathy and thank you for this very fine update on the Disney situation. Forgive me for not remembering how we have met? Would appreciate you reminding us, pls?
    After 11 years in E, we have been understandably very concerned about the Lighthouse Pt project and are still wondering how “their presence” will impact the serenity of our paradise?
    Please let me know if and how we might assist.
    Thanking you for staying on top of the news.
    Brenda Harmeling

    1. kathy@kathycolman.com

      I’m not sure that he have met ! You have subscribed to the blog and so you now get an automated message with the link to the blog. We can only wait and see what happens really…..

  4. We have not met but we have been looking for you every morning on our daily walk . If we miss you this trip we will certainly find you next time

  5. Hey Kathy – we met you & Bob in early 2000’s when you had brown dog Joe Louis – first with our friends Jay & Sarah, then another visit with our adult kids & their spouses along. Recently started getting the blog again (must have gotten caught up in the e-weirdness there for a while) and enjoying it very much! Like many, I opposed this whole Disney situation, but your perspective is encouraging. I hope it will be good for the island we love so much, and her lovely people. Maybe see you in July as we are returning with same adult kids + 4 grandkids. Denise & Jim, veterinarians from Florida

    1. kathy@kathycolman.com

      How lovely to hear from you – and I really hope that we get to say hello when you come in July…. Do let us know when you are here please.

  6. Now I know why your blogs disappeared. This one about Lighthouse’s beach did show up so I was able to read the back articles. Happy that I will be able to renew my subscription next week. My now four labs are still walking miles lead free twice a day, just in the mountains. I think Governor misses the 135 beaches we would travel to through the years. Take great care of your family this H season.

    1. kathy@kathycolman.com

      How lovely to hear from you and to catch up on the dog situation – 4 now !! Glad that you will be back in the news loop ….. Hope that you are both keeping well….

      1. Gary passed on July 10 from a combination of a brain bleed and a rare heart disease. Learning the art of widowhood has been a major challenge.

        1. kathy@kathycolman.com

          So very sorry to hear about Gary – condolences to you ….. Did you hear that my Mum died last year – July 24th…..

  7. Andrew sanderson

    Great blog Kathy. Very nice to see the positive pointed out. Economic benefits for the south particularly and the island are a big plus I think.

  8. Gabriele Cromie

    Hello Kathy Colman,
    thank you for your fascinating blog about the current state at Lighthouse Beach. It brought floods of tears for us, an almost physical pain to witness such destruction and defilement of a gem of nature
    which should have been made a UNESCO World Heritage site. We have travelled widely but our first visit there in 2020 will remain an unforgettable experience. We are from England and Germany originally and the sheer vastness of the beach and the unending horizonless sky, not to mention the
    chalk cliffs and the almost other-worldly shades of blue, as if the sea was lit from underneather were
    overwhelming. French Leave is a gorgeous beach but the untouched Lighthouse Beach was a Miracle.

    The Disney Kitsch is unstoppable and the effects of the ungoing construction and destruction are unthinkable. The pavillion may be a “Pringle” but also a totally unsuitable Polynesian nightmare
    in that sacred location. The damage is done, politics, money and stupidity have won again.
    Keep up your blogging, Many Thanks,
    Gabriele Cromie

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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