Easter’s gone, now All That Jazz in Eleuthera

So here we are – Easter has gone already and now we are looking forward to All That Jazz here in Eleuthera which starts next week on Wednesday April 11th….  Easter was very busy here on the island. We were totally booked out everywhere and you should have seen how bare the shelves in the food stores were by Tuesday ! People may have been reduced to eating some odd combinations of what was left !

Glorious .......
Glorious …….

Of course when there is a bank holiday – or public holiday as I think it’s called in the US – the food supply boat comes in a day late – so instead of re-stocking up on Tuesday – everybody has to wait until Wednesday – very confusing if you are a tourist and have been told that Tuesday is boat day !!

Personally we had a lovely break although with rental changeovers there was still plenty to do. But we enjoyed some great walks with Rudge. I know I have been pretty quiet on the Rudge front lately….. He is growing through his teenage hooligan stage at the moment – 21 months – at times he is so lovely and then at others when he gets the mood just so – he is a real nuisance. Dancing away from me – herding people up just like a collie does with sheep ! and then lunging at them to keep them herded. So very little time off the lead at the moment for Rudge which is a great shame as that is how he gets rid of so much excess energy – running about not herding people !!

Perfect hibiscus......
Perfect hibiscus……

Easter Sunday we had a lovely traditional roast chicken dinner at home cooked by me – with roast potatoes , parsnips , cauliflower cheese , and plenty of green vegetables as well – of course I ate way too much and had to walk around a lot  and eat several Tums before I felt remotely comfortable again – but will I learn restraint – no never !!

I never tire of seeing this.....
I never tire of seeing this…..

So next week is the jazz festival – later than usual this year because of Easter – and there are some terrific new venues lined up. Things kick off next Wednesday at The Other Side – do you remember I wrote a blog about this fabulous place last year some time – no ? – well you should keep up you know ….. That one runs 4.30 – 7.30 $75 per person all inclusive….

Bob and I at the 2014 Jazz brunch.
Bob and I at the 2014 Jazz brunch.

Thursday is Jazz Vespers at St Patricks Anglican Church then after at 1648.

Friday is Fish Fry – free to everybody and always a great time….

Saturday night at Leon Levy Plant Preserve – again – always a great time….. but certainly not free.

Sunday lunchtime this year is another new venue – Jack’s Bay Lunchtime Concert 11.30 – 3.15 – this is just south of Rock Sound and it is the most sensational setting – just wait and see ! And the food should be pretty special as well – they have a sensational chef called Tripi – he is an IronChef from the US. I will be your official food taster I can promise you a totally impartial review – ha !

So plenty to look forward to – and news next week of a really exciting series of children’s books about life on Eleuthera seventy or eighty years ago. The idea is to educate local children about the way things were all that time ago and most of the tales of life then are coming from Dr Seabreeze !

You will love it !

So did you realize that I didn’t have any relevant pictures at all – so I just kept scrolling through until I found pictures that took my fancy !

Like these 2 that I took in Harbour Island about 10 years ago !

I couldn't resist this pair .....
I couldn’t resist this pair …..
Backpacks nearly as big as they are !
Backpacks nearly as big as they are !


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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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