Educators for Eleuthera Summer Camp 2024


This week news of Educators For Eleuthera Summer Camp 2024 so I am handing you over to Dr Claire Verden

Hello once again wonderful readers of Kathy’s blog! Kathy has afforded me the opportunity to talk to you about our upcoming plans for summer camp in Governors Harbour.

A quick introduction, or reintroduction. I have been partnering with schools in Eleuthera for over 15 years and providing camp programs for 9 of those years. We started the nonprofit 4 years ago to focus solely on providing a free summer camp program for the children of Central Eleuthera. In conjunction with the local primary school, we provide a summer enrichment program for approximately 100 local children during the month of July.

Every day the children experience academic enrichment lessons as well as arts and crafts, games, and music; our aim is to maintain their academic skills over the long summer break and perhaps catch up or even get ahead a little- mostly they don’t even realize they are working as they are having so much fun!   In addition, everyone enjoys a healthy lunch, snacks, and endless fresh water to combat the summer heat.

We provide each camper with a reusable water bottle and camp T-Shirt as well as take home projects from their art endeavors.

This is where we need your help! The cost of everything has gone up as I am sure you are well aware; we purchase all our own teaching supplies and materials and are sure to bring enough to leave a care package for each of the teachers at the primary school at the end of the summer. Food costs on the island are high and we want to ensure a nutritious lunch every day for the children, for some of them it is the only meal that they will receive each day.  Everybody gets a sandwich, a piece of fruit and a salty snack.

All our teachers volunteer their time to come and teach at camp and purchase their own airfares to do so. But there are a few people getting paid and this is exciting news! We provide stipends to local high school aged students to work as teacher apprentices at camp, these are students who have been campers and have shown themselves to be leaders who are exceptional young people. We will have 4 teacher apprentices this summer and each one will work with a teacher to provide instruction to one of our groups.

But even bigger news is that two of our former teacher apprentices are moving up to lead their own group at camp this summer. We are extremely proud of these two young people, they will graduate from high school in June, receive training prior to camp and then be ready to run their own show! Of course, all of this will happen under the direction of camp Program Director Hannah Cunliffe, but we are so excited to have groups led by local young people.

In addition, we have a local woman who provides transportation for some of our students with disabilities so that they may also enjoy the camp experience and she then stays on for the day to get the lunches ready for our hungry campers. Without her we would not be able to include these children nor have lunch ready in a timely and nutritious manner.

So lovely readers, how can you help? Please visit our website at:

We use PayPal to accept donations or if that does not work for you, please email me at (this is also our PayPal address) and I can provide an address to mail a check.

Without your support it is very simple, camp could not happen. Many many thanks for any support that you can give, no donation is too small. We are a registered nonprofit, so donations are tax deductible in the U.S.

Registered 501 (c)(3) Non-Profit ID# 84-3546713

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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