An upgrade to Governors Harbour Airport is partially complete. Of course quite a few of you will already know this if you have arrived or departed from GHB in the last few weeks. Bob and I haven’t travelled since early January when construction was still ongoing so we are a bit late to the party again !

I visited the airport this week just to see how things are coming along and was pretty impressed. The check in hall is much bigger now, with a nice shiny tiled floor throughout and all newly decorated. The central AC in this area is not working yet as BPL still need to upgrade the power supply so that all the AC units can be run together. But the AC in the waiting area, once you have gone through security , is operational and it certainly seems to filter through a bit. I couldn’t go through security and from that point photographs are not allowed.

Personally I am looking forward to seeing the bathrooms as before the work they were pretty bad – to put it politely ! At this time both Customs and Immigration are temporarily housed in this part to the building while renovations are going on in the other building. I couldn’t find anyone who could tell me when these renovations may be finished – but it is good to see the work going on…… From what I understand there are times when there is only one member of staff in Immigration to deal with 75 passengers on the American Eagle flight which comes in twice a week at the moment – rumor is that demand is high enough to soon make that three – but these are hiccups that will be dealt with I’m sure.

Some of the road has been repaired as you drive in front of the terminal – but there are still some large potholes that need filling in.

Morale with staff – both counter staff and airport security workers – is definitely improved. All the staff I spoke to said how much more pleasant it is for them to come to work into an upgraded environment and there was a lovely air of pride in how things are looking.
Of course there is still quite a lot to be done – but there is a real feeling of optimism in the air which was great to see and feel.
On a different note – Bob and I went to see a rehearsal of a multi media show which is going to be performed in Istanbul in May this year. Polly Motley and Molly Davies are home owners in Governors Harbour and are both extremely talented in their complementary fields. Polly is the dancer / performance artist and Molly is a videographer. They have produced a wonderful show that we felt very privileged to witness. Not anything like anything we have ever seen here before – but amazing and thought provoking and inspiring to be able to witness.

It is a joy to see and experience the talents of people we know when usually we only interact on a social level. Thanks to both Molly and Polly for inviting us …..
Also wanted to let you know that accommodation is now sorted out for the teachers coming to host the Summer Camp – but thanks to those of you who kindly offered your generous support with rental properties. It was so much appreciated – thank you ……
So have a great weekend and enjoy the people you love and have around you. Be kind wherever you can and take of yourselves and your loved ones……

2 thoughts on “An Upgrade to Governors Harbour Airport”
Kathy! When we departed on Wednesday we used one new restroom. OMG. It’s as pristine and spiffy as the as the public check in area. It’s obvious that there are two areas within the waiting area that are incomplete. What a welcome change for GHB. The arrival building is getting roofed. The staff smiled when l told them l was glad they had such nice working conditions now. American Airlines presence is established.
So pleased to hear it was a good experience !