Exceptional Learners Pizza Party Christmas 2016

This week we celebrated at the Exceptional Learners Christmas Pizza Party – held as always at Tippy’s. There was quite a crew this year – 12 students , 2 teachers, 2 assistants and 2 student teachers over from the US along with Clare who organises the program that brings the students here , and of course Mr Tony Crean who teaches the children sports – plus Bob, my mum and me…….

Who likes pizza ?
Who likes pizza ?

We started off the party with plenty of pizza and horrible fizzy drinks – but what’s a party without them – a real eating fest – it always amazes me that the children you least expect consume the largest amounts ! Then on to bags of presents. Bob and I had a trip to Fort Lauderdale over the weekend to buy all the gifts – we hit the Dollar Tree store big time to add to the gifts we already had and of course stocked up on festive hats as well…..


For a good few of the children these are the only gifts that they get over Christmas so it is always a delight for us to see what they love – the funniest thing for me is to see the ones that they look at and think – huh ! Stops me getting to precious about it all – sometimes it is the things that I think they will really love that they not exactly turn their noses up at – but certainly don’t react in the way I think they will. The boys always love the little cars – they can never seem to have too many – and the girls usually like lip glosses and shower gel but who knows ! – I just go for quantity and think well there must be something in there they love !


Then we had ice cream to finish off along with candy and cookies from their goody bags. They had all made a Christmas card for Bob and I – such a lovely surprise ….

Me with a selection of my hand made Christmas cards and Roni....
Me with a selection of my hand made Christmas cards and Roni….

Then we dropped them back at school and left the teachers to deal with the aftermath !!!!


While we were away in Ft Lauderdale we had 2 spectacular meals. They were at the 2 restaurants that I have written about before – Valentino’s and One Door East. They are right next door to each other and are owned by the same people. I highly recommend that you try them out if you are in the area. Absolutely the best food around…….


And so preparations for Christmas continue – now how to train Rudge so that he realizes that the lovely driftwood Christmas trees made by Pam at Island Made are not for chewing !!!!

Rudge and Rufus on the Cay - exhausted but looking like a cute pair of bookends !
Rudge and Rufus on the Cay – exhausted but looking like a cute pair of bookends !

By the way – do check out the great interview done by Todd Vendituoli with D*Face on the website Eleuthera Bahamas – it is great ….. Also lots of other interesting pieces to be found here.



4 thoughts on “Exceptional Learners Pizza Party Christmas 2016”

    1. Bob and Kathy Colman

      That is his litter brother – owned by our very good friends Dan and Larry who live on the Cay. Rudge stays with them when we take a trip….. His name is Rufus …..

  1. Cynthia Dougherty

    Dear Kathy and Bob,
    You guys are amazing. So involved in your community. We miss you already and wish we were back in GH. It’s -24 Celsius here burrr!!

    Cynthia & Bob

    1. Bob and Kathy Colman

      Lovely to hear from you – goodness I feel cold just hearing about your temperatures there ! Have a wonderful Christmas…..

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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