Have you tried The Helm in Governors Harbour yet ?

Well have you tried The Helm yet in Governors Harbor ? They opened on New Year’s Eve but we didn’t try it until last Friday. We had our friends Justin and Lindy from Texas here for 3 nights and on the first night we had vegetarian shepherds pie here at Sprawling Towers and then went out to have a drink at the newest bar in GH.

Kris the owner and Abdul the virtuoso barman at The Helm….

It is a treat to go to a beautifully decorated place to enjoy a drink or 2. The owner is Kris Johnson – Michele Johnson’s son and it is directly opposite the Buccaneer. So plenty of people combine a visit to both places – either getting food to eat first at the Bucc then following it up with a drink. Or they go for a drink or 2 – start to feel hungry and nip across the street for food.

Lovely to see friends there

Justin and Lindy stayed on after we left and had a very enjoyable evening…… This may have been the first time we visited but it certainly will not be the last…..

All the usual suspects….

Saturday night we went to Tippy’s – and I cannot tell you the last time we did that ! There was live music – Elliott is a great singer and the band were really good as well. We all enjoyed our food – I had mahi-mahi , Bob and Lindy ate grouper and Justin had a pasta. It was such a delight to see people dancing and enjoying themselves and we never would have done it without having guests to entertain.

It is 20 years since we first visited Eleuthera and Tippy’s was somewhere we visited then – but what a different story now. It is so lovely to see how places grow and progress and Tippy’s has grown with the times. George is the chef now at Tippy’s – he benefitted from a scholarship to culinary school in Toronto and now we are all reaping the benefits so thanks to anyone who contributed to that …..

So darned good ….. and good for me because you cannot wolf down crab claws that quickly !

Sunday lunch was at The Front Porch – sensational stone crab claws for me and beautiful fresh caught snapper for the others. Always a treat to eat there. And a great picture at the top of the blog with us all enjoying a good glass of bubbly.

Now you can imagine that Bob and I were pretty shattered by this stage of the proceedings but we had fun and it was all worth it.

Now for some very sad news.

Some of you may know KC – the eldest son of Susan from Burrows food store. He worked in the store and tragically died on Tuesday this week – in hospital in Florida. His cause of death is unclear at the moment – but to lose this 25 year old young man is just awful. He was always smiling. happy , polite and cheerful and will be sorely missed.

We send our deepest condolences to all the family and mourn his loss.

In a small community like this death is always around and it is constant reminder that we must be thankful for every day that we have. It is so very easy to take so much for granted – for all of us – and this year I am trying to make a concerted effort to write down in a notebook some of the ordinary day to day things that make life pleasurable.

Full moon last week from the deck at Sprawling Towers and yes I know that grass looks in need of a good watering !

Take care dear friends and have a lovely weekend. February already ……

And another stunning sunrise – they come just when your spirits need lifting…….


4 thoughts on “Have you tried The Helm in Governors Harbour yet ?”

  1. Fun to come across your blog, Kathy, and read updates about Governors Harbor! We met a few summers back when we stayed at Peach House. Great to see you and Bob looking so well.

  2. We have been trying to find the Helm. We have coupons at our rental house. Can you give us additional info. We would love to check it out.

    1. kathy@kathycolman.com

      Go to the Buccaneer – then it is opposite – just ask them at the Bucc ! They are only open – I think – Thursday Friday and Saturday which is why you didn’t see the place…. They have a board out when they are open. Have fun …..

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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