Late Night Shopping in Downtown Governors Harbour

Yes dear readers – late night shopping in downtown Governors Harbour ! As of this week Burrows grocery store is open from 7am till 10pm every day – including Sunday apart from Tuesday when it is open from 10am till 10pm.

This is a godsend for any visitors arriving either late in the evening or on a Sunday – there have been some stores open but this is a real bonus. Susan, daughter of Kathy Burrows , took the decision to close 4 Your Convenience on the up hill and to transfer the staff to the Burrows main store. So for visitors it is really good news but also for us locals who sometimes find we have run out of a crucial ingredient when cooking dinner – never happen to you ? Well you are the exception !! Let’s make sure that we support the store and make it worth their while.

It’s not that often that you sit next to a chap when you are out for dinner and realize that you are both wearing the same pair of shoes – but it happened to me last Friday when we went for a great evening on Cupid’s Cay at Dan and Larry’s house. My days of tottering about in lovely high heeled shoes are long gone ( unlike you dear Shelby ! ) and I have written before about the joys of now only wearing comfortable flats – mainly Fitflops – but not exclusively I may add…..  Anyway it definitely warranted a picture – in fact they were 2 different makes for those of you who have not fallen asleep yet – mine are from Marks and Spencer and Ian’s are Skechers !

Nothing more to say……

It was a terrific evening – great conversation , tasty food and Bob encouraging everyone to make a toast while we were sitting at the table. We had toasts to our gracious hosts- Dan and Larry, to Eleuthera itself, to friendships that are treasured and a few other things that seem to have slipped my mind. Another lovely evening on the Cay with dear friends …

Great friends…..
Great food …..

Sunday we enjoyed another delicious meal at lunchtime with Carol and Keith – it was their introduction to the Front Porch in Hatchet Bay and I know from what they said they will be returning ……

Delicious strawberry grouper – Nassau grouper is out of season at the moment

The island is very busy with visitors now which is great for the economy and the beaches are filling up – well I know that is relative – but they are much busier. All that is lovely but it does mean that our dogs don’t get let off their leads for a good romp around – so maybe we need to change the time of day that we walk them. Another lesson in how much we take for granted.

Looking out for good tv viewing recommendations please – anything that you have recently enjoyed please share in the comments section. I have just started reading a big book – The Covenant of Water – it should keep me occupied for a while.

Have a great weekend and do let me know if any of you decide to take advantage of Feb 29th to propose marriage …..

Take care and if you are on island take extra care – not only was their another fatal accident last weekend but there was also a head on crash at the bottom of the hill just by the old French Leave resort entrance – a visitor on the wrong side of the road – keep left ……

I had this photo that I took a few years ago printed again and framed it to put in High Stack along with the one below as well. They were done at Island Design on Cupid’s Cay – great service and great prices as well….


6 thoughts on “Late Night Shopping in Downtown Governors Harbour”

  1. I loved “Covenant of Water” – especially as I lived in Cochin in 1963-64 (while my future husband Ian worked for Barclays Bank DCO in Governor’s Harbour)! Hope you enjoy it too!

  2. Melissa Steines

    Make sure you also read” Cutting for Stone” by the same author as Covenant.
    You will not be disappointed!

  3. Melissa McAdams

    Better signage necessary when tourists leave the airports! Stickers on rental car drivers’ windows might save lives also. I met someone head on yesterday around 11 AM just south of GHB. Fortunately, we were both going slow enough that she was able to switch back to the left lane and avoid a collision. Not a comfortable way for us to be leaving the island, but we plan to return Love Eleuthera.


      A lot of the rental cars do have a Keep left sticker in them – but not all of them…. Sorry to hear about your experience but thank goodness you avoided colliding – very unnerving ! Glad to hear that you will come back….

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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