Lenny and the Levines in Gregory Town !

It sounds like a great gig – right ? Lenny and the Levines in Gregory Town – for one week only ! Well it was the best of gigs – for the fifth year in succession Lenny Kravitz and Dr Jonathan Levine along with his gorgeous wife Stacey and their 2 sons – Julian and Cody – swooped in to town to run the most amazing free dental clinic. Over 1200 patients were seen – can you imagine ? The picture above is of the JBL NYC practice plus volunteers – over 100 volunteers this year …..

Dr Jon Levine, Julian Levine, Stacey Levine, Lenny Kravitz and Cody Levine – what a lineup !

This actually took place the second week in December – but with other things going on I have only just managed to do this write up. I really wanted to do them all justice and not just slot in a quick mention – this deserves a full blown write up.

Great picture eh ? Lenny Kravitz and Dr Jonathan Levine in the midst of the busy clinic finding time to give me a smile !

I wrote last year about the atmosphere in the big old hall where the clinic is held – loud music playing and the most happy positive feeling in the room – which is amazing given the fear and apprehension that patients feel when undergoing dental treatments. All of the teams of dental experts were so happy to be there and to be donating their time and expertise – and let me tell you they are world class people – from Manhattan, South America , London and who knows where else. Click on this link to read what I wrote about the clinic last year – it came up when I googled the GLOGOOD Foundation and I was impressed with what I had written !!!!

This little guy managed to give me the thumbs up during his treatment ….
And this was his dentist making him feel at ease and happy to be treated

Dr Levine and Stacey have a wonderful knack of galvanizing people to want to be a part of this incredible setup. They made a decision after Hurricane Dorian to double the clinic that they usually do – they knew that there would be people who had been displaced from Abaco and Grand Bahama – and so they organized two teams of 55 experts – in each team mind you – to come down and do two shifts. It was sensational…

Dr Jon and his gorgeous wife Stacey – they are a real tour de force …

The Cove made a very generous donation of 127 nights of accommodation for both of the teams and also provided their minibus to shuttle them backwards and forwards to the clinic. The organisation was phenomenal. And the donors that they have supporting them make this a viable operation. Can you imagine all the supplies that need flying in to Eleuthera to service their needs ?

Great to se one of the staff from the Cove benefitting from the clinic

During a chat with Stacey on my visit to the clinic she filled me in on a few of their major donors and helpers – Michelle Soffer arranged all the transportation of supplies onto the island. The Henry Schein Cares Foundation played a big part in the operation as did Benco Dental – they sent technicians to maintain the equipment which is put under a lot of strain during the intensive clinics.

The prosthodontist specialist on the left is from South America …..

Rob and Laurie Graifman were sponsors in honor of Dr Paul Baerger. Amy Bloom for the Daphne Seybolt Culpeper Memorial Foundation was also a generous donor to the program. Dr Michelle Henshaw and her team from the BU Dental School , and of course the JBL NYC Dental Practice and TWICE toothpaste . All these special people played a major part in making this extraordinary program come together and work…..

As I say the Levines are a very special couple who have built a wonderful team of donors, suppliers and dental experts to make this happen every year.

Dr Levine was creating a fabulous new look by replacing 2 missing front teeth for this young man…..

And then of course there is Lenny Kravitz – his dedication to bringing smiles to the faces of the people on the island he loves and has a home on is fabulous. He is right there in the clinics – chatting with patients as well as the dentists – putting people at their ease and reassuring them. For someone with that level of fame it is rare to be able to just mix in and move around without being bothered by fans – but he manages it with grace and ease …..

The Let Love Rule Foundation in conjunction the GLOGOOD Foundation is doing such an inspiring job and the Levines and Lenny continue to be right there in the heart of it all – on behalf of you all I say a huge thank you to them for their dedication and commitment – it is not easy at all and the work that it takes to make it all happen is huge. But making a difference to individual lives is something that we can all strive for in this year – well every year actually ……

These 2 beauties work in Harley St London but are from Spain originally…..

Thank you to Lenny and the Levines – we all salute you !!

Goya on the left who volunteers every year- with the most stylish adaptation of a T shirt I have seen – along with her partner Craig – who is a guitarist in Lenny’s band – and of course Stacey Levine

The clinic in full swing !
Great T shirts showing their sponsors …. TWICE is the business run by Julian and Cody Levine click on this link to read about their mission
TWICE donated 1000 tubes of Twice toothpaste to encourage better brushing habits ……

4 thoughts on “Lenny and the Levines in Gregory Town !”

  1. That’s a pretty cool story. Kudos to all involved. Just visited Eleuthera for the first time, and was wowed by it. Will be writing about it on our website (www.seasonedtraveler.ca) over next few weeks. And hope to return soon.

    1. That’s great news – so pleased that you found us ! We have rental properties in Governors Harbour – so do let us know when you are coming back….. looking forward to reading not just about your time here but also your other travels…..

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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