Potcakes – a love story in Governors Harbour

So – Potcakes – a love story right here in Governors Harbour. Many of you will know already that our lovely, lovely potcake Joe Louis died last Saturday. He was suffering very badly so we called the vets at Palmdale Veterinary Clinic to come and put him out of his misery and help him on his way……. In the end he was in too much pain to even lie down and we simply could not allow him to go on that way. All you animal lovers will know exactly what we are going through – lots of tears and sobbing and reassuring each other that we took the only possible choice – getting through each day without his company….. Enough already

Tiny Joe Louis with dear friend from Sweden Leif Almqvist
Tiny Joe Louis with dear friend from Sweden Leif Almqvist

So what riches and gifts did Joe Louis bring to our lives ? For me that is an important part of the grieving process and that is what my blog is about this week.

Thanks to Juris Mardwig for this great picture with Bob , Mary Pattison, Jane chambers and Sam Chambers
Thanks to Juris Mardwig for this great picture with Bob , Mary Pattison, Jane Chambers and Sam Chambers

Because of the rental business that we have, Joe met many, many people. He truly believed that it was his job to  be a surrogate dog for all the people visiting who were missing their own animals, so he would visit with them – often around meal times – no connection I’m sure ! – some of you will recall his technique of knocking on the door too announce his arrival. So one of the major things Joe taught us was that there is infinite love in our hearts – especially his. He managed to make so many people feel that they had a very deep and meaningful bond with him – and they truly did. Open your heart and there is enough love to make everyone feel special and loved………

Thanks to Kim Mettler for sharing this picture - at home in Tops !
Thanks to Kim Mettler for sharing this picture – at home in Tops !

Joe had a great sense of fun – of course as the years went by he wasn’t as playful as he had been. But up until last year sometimes on the beach he would tear round in circles kicking up the sand – just for the joy of being alive and free !

In his prime......
In his prime……

Digging for crabs on the beach – or just digging for the fun of it was another of his favorite pursuits – the lesson here – do what you love – whatever brings you joy and lifts your spirits.

Digging for crabs !
Digging for crabs !

Dog awareness – another one of his best qualities. Dog awareness is about waking up each day and starting that day afresh and new. Joe never carried a thought over from the previous day – he never thought – oh my goodness I am going to eat exactly the same food, drink exactly the same water and visit exactly the same places. He faced each day as if all those things were a new treat ……. We can all learn from him – let’s cultivate a little bit of dog awareness……

At a wedding on Windermere Island - Joe as best man ......
At a wedding on Windermere Island – Joe as best man ……

Finally forgiveness ! Joe would always forgive us if we spoke to him sharply or ignored him for too long or left him too long before we fed him – unconditional love and forgiveness – just what we all need to give to every person and animal in our lives…….

Having fun is so exhausting..
Having fun is so exhausting..

By the way – a great friend of mine talked about how handsome Joe was – and she asked me if he knew he was handsome. I asked Bob and he said he didn’t think he did know – but I do think he knew he was a dish. He just had such grace that he wore it lightly……

He was handsome wasn't he ?
He was handsome wasn’t he ?

Bless you Joe and thank you for all the good times you shared with us………. And a major thank you to everyone at the Palmdale Veterinary Clinic.

Have to finish now as my eyes are too bleary to see to write any more !

With my nephew Sam Chambers - a few years ago !
With my nephew Sam Chambers – a few years ago !

29 thoughts on “Potcakes – a love story in Governors Harbour”

  1. Kathy- we haven’t met but I love reading your blog as we are huge fans of Eleuthera. So sorry to hear about your sweet dog. It is always so heartbreaking to lose one of our beloved pets. We love the potcakes on Eleuthera- they are so sweet and friendly and your boy was so handsome. Perhaps another potcake some time down the road?

  2. So sorry to hear about Joe Louis, he was such a handsome loving dog! We enjoyed our visits with him last year. Lovely photos and memories!

  3. I felt like I knew Joe Louis from the stories that my daughter Kim Mettler told me about him. He sounded like the little social director making each new arrival feel at home. I know she will miss his visits the next time she returns. I am sorry for your loss. As hard as it is to do, when they are in pain it is time to ease it. It is the final loving thing you can do for them.

  4. Kathy, like others, we have not met. But I’ve been following your blog for several months now in anticipation of our first visit to your island. And am very saddened to learn of the passing of your dear Joe Louis. Like you, our four legged friends are part of the family. Your love and affection for him shined through your writing. sorry for your loss.

  5. Kathy, I’ve been following your blog for several months now in anticipation of our first visit to your island. And am very saddened to learn of the passing of your dear Joe Louis. Like you, our four legged friends are part of the family. Your love and affection for him shined through your writing. sorry for your loss.

  6. Hey, I’m Rene from Georgia. I cannot stop crying. Whatever can my daughter & I bring on our upcoming visit to Eleuthera for the Potcakes???
    In Joe’s honour, is there something we can do for the other ones of God’s furry creatures that haven’t found an owner. We already packed dental “treats” with vitamins to share with anticipation of hotcakes encounters.
    Is there a donation of something we can bring from the states for your vet clinic?
    For all the little Joe’s out on your ISLAND from Georgia with Love
    Rene Epperly
    p.s. Just stumbled across your wonderful blog today on Trip Advisor forum
    Thanks for all the information you provide.

    1. Bob and Kathy Colman

      Hi Rene – so pleased you found he blog ! Sally Gamble is a wonderful local woman who is the biggest animal lover ever – I will send you her details so that you can talk with her and find out what would be appropriate. She has set up a clinic in Gregory Town and they are always in need of stuff. I think that is the best route to go….. Thanks so much for your kind words and beautiful intentions….. I have just seen that you have a comcast email address – I often have problems sending emails to comcast addresses. here is a link to Sally’s Facebook page – https://www.facebook.com/sally.gamble.35?fref=ts

  7. Eluthera won’t ever be the same without Joe running around seeing what fun things he could get into :), thanks for writing back Kathy and hope to see you and Bob again someday soon.
    Yours Truly , Ronnie Byrd

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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