The minutiae of life here in Eleuthera

These days the blog seems to be about the minutiae of life here in Eleuthera – but many of you seem to like it – so until something exciting happens – here is another one ….. Bob and I had to get  passport pictures taken for some official documents here on island – and wherever you have them taken don’t you find that they are so grim that you can’t believe you look so awful ? Well let me tell you I have found a place of miracles !

Right here on Cupid’s Cay there is a place called Island Designs Imaging and Drafting – owned and run by Dion Thompson and his wife Carlene. They do all sorts of services including printing and design of leaflets, booklets, canvas and vinyl banners – the list goes on and on – but most importantly for us they do passport photos….

Gorgeous Bob .....
Gorgeous Bob …..

So they took our pictures – and after a short while they produced the best pictures either of us has had taken in a long time. They must have enhanced them or photoshopped them because they were great !

Photoshop - I love you !
Photoshop – I love you !

Do use them for any of their services – they are brilliant …….

Getting bored waiting for Bob to have his picture taken in Island designs !
Getting bored waiting for Bob to have his picture taken in Island Designs !

Next I went off to take a picture of the sink-hole we have had for a couple of months in the road around the harbour. This is the second one that has appeared in a six month period – and it is due to be repaired very soon. It means that we can’t turn and drive around the harbour road – and I miss that ! One of the delights in our day to day life is to see the sun sparkling on the water as we wizz round onto the Cay. Can you believe that I am writing about holes in the road – neither can I !!

A hole in the road - what next ?????
A hole in the road – what next ?????

We had a lovely new lunch at Bacchus Fine Foods – shrimp rice wraps with salad and avocado and sweet chili and thai peanut dipping sauces. Thanks to Angelika for coming up with lovely new things to try……

Oh yes - shrimp rice wraps at Bacchus Fine Foods - delicious......
Oh yes – shrimp rice wraps at Bacchus Fine Foods – delicious……

The island is getting busy again – we have had a lot of visitors from the US here this week – all saying that they came to escape the election. yes – the election ! Well of course the results are in now and many people are very concerned at the results – putting it mildly ?  Anyway – life does go on and it made me think of the famous quote by FDR – the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. The speech is of course about dealing with the Great Depression and is not anything to do with today’s situation – but I do think that the famous quote has a resonance that is pertinent right now.

So stay grounded and do not allow yourself to run away with the fear of what may happen. Stay positive and deal with the realities when they happen – if they happen.

Obligatory picture of Rudge for this week. He has outgrown his office puppy bed and so now has to rest his head on the bottom shelf - overspill !
Obligatory picture of Rudge for this week. He has outgrown his office puppy bed and so now has to rest his head on the bottom shelf – overspill !

17 thoughts on “The minutiae of life here in Eleuthera”

  1. ahh you brightened my day Kathy as I sit here looking out the window on 30th street in midtown Manhattan watching protesters ..thank you for for sharing the Eleuthera tidbits.. from sinkholes to Rudge WOW he is growing into those puppy paws love it… see you soon as escaping your way!!!


  2. Life on an island sounds like the perfect escape right about now! A month at TOPS would do mind,body & soul good.
    Enjoy the peacefulness!

    1. Bob and Kathy Colman

      How lucky are we to live here – the world seems to be going to hell in a handcart ! Would be lovely to see you again…

  3. RUDGEY!! You need to take a pic of him and Rufus with heads out the car window riding to the beach….sheer JOY! They sort of don’t care much about the election….shrimp for everyone!!

    1. Bob and Kathy Colman

      Yes – dog awareness – something we can all learn about. And joy in the everyday things like riding to the beach !

  4. Oh, Kathy, hooray for the minutia of life, and yes, we are all quite sick about the election. I have decided to stay off Facebook for a while as I “unfriended” my cousin last night, and I am basically sick to death of everyone who voted from Trump because “It’ll be a change.” Hitler was one hell of a change… They’re celebrating in Moscow…. On a happier note, I love your passport pics. I can’t wait to meet your sweet doggie, and we can’t wait to see you in February! Yay! Much love, Michele

    1. Bob and Kathy Colman

      I am reading the lovely ‘Book of Joy – Lasting Happiness in a Changing World’ – by the Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu – and hoping to find some pearls of wisdom in there….. At times like this we have to look for a perspective that is not about platitudes but real wisdom from people who have known what extreme turmoil and terrible times are on a personal level…… Take good care and see you in February…..

  5. I just love and look forward to your blogs! Thank you so very much. You are very fortunate to be in lovely Eleuthera. I love the photos! Even the sinkhole brings back memories of the past. Hugs to Rudge!

    1. Bob and Kathy Colman

      Thanks for this Camilla – we talk about how fortunate we are to be in Eleuthera all the time. It does make you appreciate the islands when you look around at what is happening in the world……

  6. It’s always a treat to read about the adventures you have on and off the island. Thanks for taking the time to write about your ” minutia”. I think everyone here in the states has gone a touch crazy. It will be good to “reach” and leave that for the people who must seriously be bored. I love all the personal stories!

    1. Bob and Kathy Colman

      Thanks so much – good to hear that the ‘much ado about nothing’ blogs as Bob calls them are liked as well !

  7. On Eleuthera even a giant pothole becomes enjoyable – especially considering the alternatives (in the US waking up to another Donald-Disaster). In fact we are almost looking forward to wrestling with our balky plumbing when we arrive next week!

  8. Appreciating the commitment you put into your site and in depth information you present. It’s nice to come across a blog every once in a while that isn’t the same out of date rehashed information. Excellent read! I’ve bookmarked your site and I’m including your RSS feeds to my Google account.

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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