Tippy’s reopens with a new outlook in Eleuthera

Great news that Tippy’s has reopened and it has a new outlook ! Many of you will know that Elliott Rolle who was the manager is now a partner in the business – and he has a really refreshing attitude to what is going on.

Firstly the building has had a nice revamp – the bathrooms have been upgraded – long needed ! and I love the artwork on the doors – Aretha for the Ladies and Bob (Marley) for the Gents.

Love this !
Love this !

The menu is pretty close to what it was but the difference is in the attitude to anyone wanting something different. Let me give you an example…….  After my ciguatera experience I am not eating any fish at all – and of course a lot of the items on their menu do contain fish and seafood. In fact I am totally vegetarian at the moment which is interesting if you want to eat out on the island ! So I asked Elliott if they would consider putting a vegetarian pasta on the menu – straight away he told me that they would make a marinara pasta for me and they did ….. It was very tasty – in fact it was gone before I remembered I should have taken a picture of it. They said they would also do their chicken and mushroom pasta without the chicken – next time I am having that !

This is such a great picture isn't it ?
This is such a great picture isn’t it ?

Elliott’s renewed enthusiasm is a delight – customers are our first and most important consideration he told me …….. The atmosphere is cheerful and the waiting staff are all happy – great to see.

Nesha in the kitchen - doing a great job
Nesha in the kitchen – doing a great job

There is live music every Saturday and I am sure they are going to have a great season.  Work is underway for a new beach access so that people staying at Pineapple Fields – or in fact anyone who wants to go on to the beach here – can easily get down there without traipsing across Tippy’s deck.

The view from this deck is always fabulous
The view from this deck is always fabulous
This will be the new beach access
This will be the new beach access

All these changes are both refreshing and welcome and we wish them well for a busy and successful season.

Talking of vegetarian food options I also want to mention a really great mushroom fried rice that I ate at the Buccaneer the other night.  I made a personal request for it  – it was garlicky and delicious – maybe they will put it on the menu.

Bob with his arms full of the lovely Nancy and Nora
Bob with his arms full of the lovely Nancy and Nora

Finally after nearly 5 weeks I am feeling a lot better after my ciguatera episode – not totally great but a whole lot better than I have been feeling….. And not a moment too soon because as you read this Bob and I will be winging our way to London for a quick break. Lots of remedial hugs and kisses from our gorgeous grandchildren and hopefully other people as well !  So the next couple of blogs will be definitely with a British bias …….

And me with Butch .....
And me with Butch …..

6 thoughts on “Tippy’s reopens with a new outlook in Eleuthera”

  1. Dear Kathy,

    So fabulous to see the new Tippys! I am there in spirit. I shall really look forward to your London story. Wonderful that you and Bob are going. Travel safely! Look forward.


  2. We are so pleased that Tippys has been given a new look and look forward very much to dining there in February. We wish Elliot every success .
    Midge and Alan Adams

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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