Here we are in a brand new year 2017 !

Well here we are in a brand new year already – 2017 ! It’s here whether you were ready or not – I know that a huge amount of people were more than happy to kiss 2016 goodbye – a very bad year for all sorts of reasons and all sorts of people…..

Most years our Christmas and New Year celebrations are pretty low key – but this year was an exception.

Between Christmas and New Year we took an overnight trip to Nassau to have night out with great friends from the UK who were visiting family over there. We went for a lovely meal at our favorite Cafe Matisse and spent the night at The Island House – it was a great time and we stayed out late but as the years go by isn’t it amazing how much longer it takes to get over it !!

Ring any bells with anyone ????
Ring any bells with anyone ????

We actually went out on New Year’s Eve for a change – we hardly ever do – and this year it was super late night riotous fun.  We started the night at La Bougainvillea – a new resort style restaurant near Palmetto Point and finished up with Angelika Bacchus and friends at Bacchus Fine Foods for a wild danceathon until 1.30 am – yes 1.30 for Bob and I – unheard of !!!!

By the way – my favorite Christmas present this year was a glitter globe that Bob gave me. It has a glass Bhudda within the globe and lots of gold glitter when you shake it. When the glitter is sailing around it it a complete analogy to what the inside of my head is like – full of lots and lots of thoughts – things to remember , to do etc etc. But when I meditate it is just like the glitter settling – my thoughts settle around me. I just love to have something that I can pick up and shake and then smile at as I see it all clearing – not totally what always happens but certainly a visual reminder of what I aspire to.

Beautiful Buddha glitter globe......
Beautiful Buddha glitter globe……

The small things are often the most meaningful……

This is like the inside of my head most of the time !
This is like the inside of my head most of the time !

So I am hoping that next week I can write about La Bougainvillea – I know that when you read that bit you thought – what what what is she talking about – right ? So watch this space for more information…..

Just chill out - right ???
Just chill out – OK ???
Rudge's new Christmas toy day one - slightly chewed around the leg ......
Rudge’s new Christmas toy day one – slightly chewed around the leg…
Rudge's new Christmas toy day 4 - decidedly ragged and I suspect looking even more disgruntled
Rudge’s new Christmas toy day 4 – decidedly ragged and I suspect looking even more disgruntled

By the way I heard from 2 friends that they sometimes clicked on the Facebook link and didn’t get a connection to the full blog. Can you let me know if that is affecting any of the rest of you……

This is one of those great tear off every day calendars - loving it .....
This is one of those great tear off every day calendars – loving it …..

Happy New Year…..

3 thoughts on “Here we are in a brand new year 2017 !”

  1. I look forward and love your blogs! They are very special to me and I totally understand what you are saying about the “budda globe”. Please let me know if you receive my comments. I see replies to others; but, not me.

    Happy New Year Eleuthera!

    1. Bob and Kathy Colman

      Hi Camilla – I do always reply to you – I will try sending this to your email address as well…… So pleased that you enjoy the blogs !

  2. Cynthia Dougherty

    Kathy and Bob,
    We are trying to figure out how we will come back and find our place in GH.
    Happy and Healthy 2017 to you both!
    Cynthia & Bob

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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