Lots to be thankful for in Eleuthera !

This week is a week to be thankful for all the good things around us here in Eleuthera. Big Dog as he was known in the US – the fire truck – is here actually in Eleuthera now – the shipping went seamlessly and we are all so very happy to see it here. It is going to be called Leon and there will be much more to hear about all that in the weeks to come.

Gorgeous !
Big Dog Leon with the Eleuthera logo already on it – done by the lovely team in Loganville Pennsylvania
And the GHFR logo as well !

I am truly thankful as well that my sister Jane arrived without any delays or hiccups on Monday. So very happy to have her here for the next 8 weeks – she is such a help to me and also extremely good fun to have around. I flew out to Nassau on Monday to go food shopping at Fresh Market although of course Monday is not a great day for shopping but I spent a small fortune there on what they did have. Then I met up with Jane at the airport and we flew back together.

So there I was , sitting in Nassau airport waiting for Jane to come through when this shark appeared. Can you imagine how hot it must have been inside that costume ?????

Last week we went to Tippy’s for a great dinner – just the 2 of us and we met up with two lovely couples on the table behind us. They were all on a boat anchored in the harbour and we thoroughly enjoyed meeting them and chatting to them about life in Eleuthera. The joy of being able to share stories with new friends is one that went under for a long time during the reign of Covid – but that is changing and it is important to get back to recognizing the richness that conversations with new friends bring.

With Linda and Kevin Gallant and Carol and Dennis Glunt at Tippy’s

On Saturday evening we went to dinner with Dan and Larry on Cupid’s Cay. Again – meeting with good friends brings a spring to your step . There were 7 of us for dinner with two other friends coming for early evening drinks. Larry lays up a beautiful table and makes the house look and feel welcoming and cosy and Dan as always cooks a delicious meal. He cooked spaghetti with lobster , warm french bread and a lovely salad. If I tell you I had 3 servings of the spaghetti it gives you an idea of how good it was ! Desert was a blondie with all sorts of delicious stuff in it and cream. You probably already know that a blondie is a brownie without the chocolate – of course I didn’t until it was explained to me. Anyway I just had what we call in our household a dolly piece – just a very small portion suitable for a doll – but only because I would rather fill up on savory rather than sweet.

Absolutely not a single picture from this lovely evening – there are times when it is just good to get lost in the good time you are having – right ?

We also met up over the weekend with the son of a friend of ours who died earlier in the year. Tom Mesce and his family own the 3 cottages next to Tippy’s. They are marketed under the name of Bird of Paradise Cottages. Vinnie, Tom’s son is a total chip off the old block as we say in England – meaning of course that he is very much like his father. It was touching to meet up with Vinnie and hear how the family are coping and looking at how they can make sure that he is not forgotten here. To be able to leave a legacy where people can remember you is a great thing and means a great deal to those left behind. We wish the Mesce family all the very best in their quest to memorialize dear Tom. He always used to bring us the best Italian deli foods – the tastiest  prosciutto I have ever eaten – the only meat I eat in fact. It is always measured against Tom’s supply and so far nothing has touched it. He also used to bring sensational freshly made mozzarella and once even canoli ….. Lovely memories.

So here’s to making new memories with friends old and new…..

I hope that I never tire of taking pictures of the spectacular waters around the Bahamas. Of course this was taken on the plane from Nassau to Governors Harbour.


5 thoughts on “Lots to be thankful for in Eleuthera !”

  1. Just fabulous! Kathy. Interesting that I have a painting of “Bird Point” back in the day. There is a British flag on the front lawn. So, that gives you an idea of how old it is. It brings back so many memories! Interesting, that the new buildings next to Tippy’s have “Bird” in them. Thanks for the memories!

  2. kathy@kathycolman.com

    Always so nice to hear from you – your memories a window into what has been before…. Thanks to you !

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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