Hello dear readers – news this week that there is an abundance of watermelons here in Eleuthera, and other important information …… Could you tell that my tongue was firmly in my cheek ?

Jane arrived on Friday morning after having to spend the night in Nassau. Unfortunately the flight times of planes to Governors Harbour just do not work with the arrival of the British Airways flight so it now means an overnight stay – but it is such a joy to have Jane here. She is the easiest going person to have around and both Bob and I love having her here as you will see over the next 8 weeks……

Do I look happy or what ?

The day before Jane arrived I called in to see some old friends  who used to rent from us at Governors Estate. It is a friendship that has endured through the years and it is wonderful to just pick up where we left off. They first rented from us in 2011 – 13 years ago – and stayed over the years in Yellow House, Sweetcorn House and Tops. This year Susan, Judy and Joe stayed at The Beach House – right on French Leave Beach . We had a lovely time catching up on what has been happening for them – they know all about us because they follow the blog !! Truly some of the loveliest conversations I have are with people that we have hosted over the years in our rental properties. It was such a joy for me to get to know our guests and of course many of them came back again over the years. Lovely memories that we treasure.

Not a great picture of any of us – but special because it was about the joy of seeing and talking to each other in the flesh …..

Sunday was Mother’s Day and we joined friends Carol and Keith and Lee and Mark for a great lunch at The Potlatch Club. It was very busy and it was a joy to see and speak to a lot of Bahamian friends eating there as well.

Lovely to see Roderick and Juanita Pinder at Potlatch along with his Mom Joyce and Dad Tommy on Mother’s Day
Tracey and Katerina Knowles enjoying lunch on Mother’s Day
A good time was had by all …..

Now on to the watermelons ! They are abundant right now and absolutely delicious. We were kindly gifted one at the weekend and then Marcus from the farm that I have written about before came by with an absolute monster. It weighed 28 lbs ! so we took half of it and will soon have it coming out of our ears …..  But here you learn to enjoy what is in season while you can. Soon it will be mangos that are all around followed on by the ever special Eleuthera pineapples.

We still are harvesting a lot of the divine baby tomatoes growing outside the back door and I am hoping to bake a tomato and basil tart at the weekend – I hope I remember to take a picture of it.

We had a lovely dinner at Dan and Larry’s house on Cupid’s Cay before Jane arrived – particularly lovely food – small tarts as an appetiser with olives baked in them – then squid ink pasta with a vongole sauce and finally home made tiramisu ! Such a feast. The entertainment for the night was of course the 2 little puppies who have had extensive lessons in how to be extremely cute – the latest news is that they will be taken back to Nassau by BAARK – an animal rescue center which is very active in rehoming dogs and puppies and also cats. We all hope that Finn and Fumi – as they have been named – will be able to stay together as they have a beautiful bond.

A joy to see Eileen contorting herself to get some pictures of the pups at Dan and Larry’s ….

And so dear friends – on we go – the weather is really starting to get hot and we will be enjoying that as well as some lovely AC courtesy of Mr Willis Carrier !

Take care of yourselves and remember to be kind to those who cross your path. None of us really know what is going on in the lives of others and so many people are having a difficult time at the moment – be as gentle with them as you would wish them to be with you…….

Look – I will stop posting the puppy pictures I promise


7 thoughts on “Abundant watermelons in Eleuthera”

  1. Kathy,
    You are one of the kindest people…as evidenced by your last paragraph. Continue to share your thoughts and joy for life as they are gifts of great beauty which is something we can never receive enough.

    1. Kathy,
      That’s what a great day on French Leave beach leaves you looking like!
      Was awesome seeing you.
      Stay well.
      Much love,
      Susan, Judy and Joe

  2. Thanks for your recommendation of “Covenant of Water” and “Go as the River” – I loved both of them and thought you might enjoy “Homecoming” by Kate Morton which you have to read to the very end to appreciate the whole story.

    June Robb

    1. Oh thanks for the recommendation – I will get it ordered ! And very glad that you enjoyed the other two…..

  3. Dear Kathy, I, at least, can dial in the blog on Google. I love the photos of the puppies! And, Potlatch! My, oh my! Amazing that it has been recreated!
    You are very dear and I so appreciate your writing the blog. It keeps me in-touch; after many years. Old memories forever! I look forward to the next one. I will be shocked if it appears in my email. Thanks to you to keep trying.
    Welcome! Jane

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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