A birthday celebration for Mary in Eleuthera

This week we had an early birthday celebration for my Mum – Mary – here in Eleuthera. She was 92 on the 20th February – but by that time we were in Las Vegas – so on the previous Sunday we had a lunch party at our house for her.

Bob and the birthday girl.....
Bob and the birthday girl…..

The meal Mary decided on is a real favorite – roast chicken , stuffing, roast potatoes, roast parsnips, cauliflower gratin, braised red cabbage, peas, carrots and broccoli – oh and gravy . Not exactly a light lunch right ? Followed by mince pies and ice cream. Yes I know mince pies are traditionally eaten at Christmas – but you can never have too much of a good thing – especially in February !

OK - get ready to dig in !
OK – get ready to dig in !
Mince pies to follow.....
Mince pies to follow…..

There were 6 of us for lunch and it was a lovely time. See the picture of Mum being chauffeured from our house back home in the beautifully restored Morris Minor owned by our great friends Clemens and Nancy – traveling in style or what …..

Home James and don't spare the horses !
Home James and don’t spare the horses !

Mary had ben suffering from a cold but was totally determined that she would be fit and healthy for the lunch – and of course she was…..

I had ordered some pink roses as a birthday treat and they were spectacular. Fresh flowers here can be a dodgy business – no matter how reliable the person you order them from. Sometimes they are chilled so heavily in the boat coming over here that they go into shock when back in normal temperatures and don’t last very long at all. But these were amazing – and it is true that looking at something like that in front of you brings much daily joy. And you all know how I value a bit of daily joy !

Mum and her birthday roses
Mum and her birthday roses
beautiful - and they have a gorgeous scent as well - a bonus these days don't you think....
Beautiful – and they have a gorgeous scent as well – a bonus these days don’t you think….


Great friend Nancy with me afterwards ..... We were stuffed .
Great friend Nancy with me afterwards ….. We were stuffed .

So now we are off on our trip to Las Vegas where it has been snowing apparently. I haven’t packed much warm clothing but maybe if I just wear everything I have taken all at the same time I will be fine !!

First stop is a few hours layover in Fort Lauderdale – long leisurely lunch followed by a little stroll before heading off to the airport and Vegas !!!! Putting it all on red in the casino …….



4 thoughts on “A birthday celebration for Mary in Eleuthera”

  1. Happy Birthday to Mary! I’ll just bet island life with you and Bob has given her longevity!

    Looking forward to your report on the Vegas trip. Take best care!

    Camilla Ross

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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