A quick zip into Nassau with food shopping included !

After returning from London at the beginning of last week we found out we had to make a quick zip back into Nassau on Wednesday – and returned to Eleuthera on Thursday. Not ideal given that it would have been good to gently recover from the jet lag – but it was a meeting that Bob had to make – and so we stayed overnight at Island House and made the most of the time we had there.

Lunch in Yellowbell at Island House is a treat and we made sure we enjoyed it the day we arrived. By the way – do make sure that you book flights from Nassau to Eleuthera in good time – there was a homecoming in Harbour Island last weekend and it meant that getting flights was particularly hard. Even without a homecoming flights are getting harder to find so do be mindful of booking them in plenty of time – the days of hopping on a plane at the last minute are few and far between now……

On Thursday after Bob’s meeting we went to Fresh Market and I stocked up on all sorts of fresh produce that is just not available here on island during this low season. Fresh raspberries, mandarin oranges , leeks, fresh herbs and all sorts of other goodies meant that the fridge was well stocked on our return. We also had time for lunch at Cafe Matisse which is a big favorite of ours.

We both had a great pasta each and followed it with a desert of affogato – which if you don’t know is ice cream with a shot of espresso coffee over it. Readers – it was the perfect ending to a long leisurely lunch ……. Must try this at home….

Actually I scooped off the whipped cream on the top – overkill I say !

Still no chance to recuperate as late Friday afternoon we drove down to Rock Sound for a meeting there at 6pm . This was followed  by a light shared meal of grouper fingers and fries at Frigates. If you haven’t tried it then you should the next time you are here.  Fortunately we had a lovely lazy weekend when we did have a chance to catch up and I managed to retrieve most of my brain which had felt like it was still halfway over the Atlantic.

Beautiful skyline as the sun went down at Frigates

Then on to work at Sprawling Towers as we need to get it livable by the end of the first week in November – which is not long !!!!

All the base boards are going on now in the rooms where the wooden flooring has gone down. The shelves and tiling are finished in the master bathroom and my dressing room is being fitted out as I write this. The kitchen is next – all sorts of bits and pieces to be finished before the countertops get fitted. They will arrive at the beginning of next week and will be fitted shortly after that. Of course there will be pictures once they are in…..

Wait till you see this closet filled …..

My dear sister Jane is coming back at the end of this month for 2 weeks to help with the move – but frankly – even if all she did was be here to keep me grounded and stop me talking to myself it would be a massive help. But of course she will help a great deal – and just having someone to talk to who you can say – which cupboard or drawer should the coffee mugs go in – when you are surrounded with a kitchen full of bits and pieces is worth a great deal…

Bathroom shelves done – we will wait until all the painting is finished before we strip off the blue protective film.

I am so very excited to move in to the house – even though it will be partly finished. There is no doubt that once you are actually living in a house you can quickly get a better feel for how it works to it’s best advantage. I do keep saying that I know the house inside out – and I do – but actually living there will be a whole new experience.

Generally we have been lucky with the supply chain – I have all the kitchen appliances so we will be able to eat well at least. The internal doors are not due to arrive until mid – late November and doors and windows for Bob’s studio and my downstairs office will probably not get here until January.

But the main part of the house will be livable and that is the main thing……

I love the sunrise glow that heralds a new day …..

And so dear friends I will sign off here – do try as I am doing to myself to find a little time every day to wonder at the beauty of nature. A moonlit night sky, a stunning sunrise or just gazing at the clouds – breathe deeply and give thanks for all that we have…..

Some of the landscaping at the front of the house



6 thoughts on “A quick zip into Nassau with food shopping included !”

  1. Welcome home Kathy and Bob. Having just returned to Toronto after seven weeks in England, Scotland and Ireland, I understand your comment about needing time to retrieve most of your brain. I had an incredibly good trip and managed to fit in some research and writing, but it is awfully good to be home.
    The fall here is splendid beauty. Eileen x

  2. The 1st photo is the view of Levi Island from my house. You can tell it is low tide because the whale’s mouth is open. One of nature’s little clues.

    1. kathy@kathycolman.com

      Wow – actually this was taken by me at Dan and Larry’s house on Cupid’s Cay – it is the rock that juts out from just past where the Thompson’s house is….. Lovely to hear from you.

  3. Can we bring back fresh fruits and vegetables on Pineapple Air from Nassau? Do you put it in a cooler and check it or put it under your seat?Great idea! Afogato is one of my favorite desserts in Italy.Will have to try Cafe Matisse.

    1. kathy@kathycolman.com

      Yes you certainly can bring fruit and vegetables on Pineapple Air – I check in the not too squashable and carry on things like the soft fruits and sometimes even nurse it on my lap !!! Let’s start and afogato fan club ……

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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