This is the story of a week in Eleuthera when nothing much is happening……. best news of the week is that Da Perk coffee shop is open again after a few weeks break – yippee ! Having said that of course we remain eternally grateful to Bacchus Fine Foods who did not close down at all. We were there to BFF for lunch on Sunday – such a wet and stormy day – rain coming down in sheets and plenty of people all huddling inside getting lunch. It worked out perfectly – I ate a great seafood linguine – Bob had rosemary spicy shrimp and Mum ate curried chicken salad.

Look at all this treasure I bought you Mum .....
Look at all this treasure I bought you Mum …..

The weather has been very wet and windy for a couple of weeks – and overcast – which is pretty rare over here. it makes you very grateful for the days when the sun breaks through…… Of course it is always a treat to feel the weather turning a little cooler at this time of year – we even had one night where we didn’t have to have the AC on in the bedroom.

At Colman Towers we are having a couple of jobs done – I had a pocket sized office which was fine at first but when I tell you that we have just turned it into a pantry you will realize how pocket sized it actually was ! Getting jobs done in small spaces if often more of a hassle than in bigger ones – a couple of guys working in a confined space is not fun ! Of course I should have taken pictures of the hell hole it was before but I forgot ! – still pictures to follow of how organized it will be…….

Old mini office ripped out and new cabinets to make the pantry going in
Old mini office ripped out and new cabinets to make the pantry going in
Still with protective coating on the cabinets while the painting is done - then ready to be filled !!!!
Still with protective coating on the cabinets while the painting is done – then ready to be filled !!!!

Just reading another great book recommended by a friend – Fair and Tender Ladies written by Lee Smith. It is written as letters from the main character to various people and it tells the story of her life – she starts off as writing as she speaks in a very heavy Appalachian dialect but as she grows her writing becomes more easily understood….. She writes with a passion for living and a great honesty – I am still reading it but I do recommend it……

We also just watched a beautiful documentary DVD about a classical piano player from New York – his name is Seymour Bernstein and the film is made by Ethan Hawke. Seymour was a virtuoso pianist who gave it up to become a teacher and he shares his wisdom and life stories as well philosophies on creativity, music and life in general – a poignant and gentle movie that is a tribute to the largely unsung heroes of life who enrich other peoples lives in the softest of ways….. I heartily recommend it – the music is wonderful….. and by the way the DVD is called Seymour

Cute puppy picture
Cute puppy picture

Rudge continues to grow at an amazing rate and is delightful and infuriating many times throughout the day ! He teaches me that control of anyone and anything is an illusion and that loving kindness and patience are the way to go…… he makes me realize that sometimes leaving all those unfinished tasks behind and heading off for a run on the beach is the best solution.  His first visit to the vet is on Friday so that will be fun I’m sure !

First time I actually caught him hanging out and relaxing in his den !
First time I actually caught him hanging out and relaxing in his den ! – we don’t mention the crate word …..
Hard time at the beach - resting in the sea lavender !
Hard time at the beach – resting in the sea lavender !

Have a great week and don’t forget to take off to the beach sometimes – literally for those of you who have one close by and metaphorically for those of you who don’t…….

I saw this sign in the Road Traffic office here in GH and it bought a smile to my face !
I saw this sign in the Road Traffic office here in GH and it bought a smile to my face !

4 thoughts on “A week in October – in Eleuthera”

  1. Hello everyone, has anyone used Tony Poletti for freight forwarding? I am living in Eleuthera and would like to find somebody who I can trust to pickup and forward my purchases from Home Depot to Bimini shipping

    1. Bob and Kathy Colman

      Well of course you know that I use him- right ? I couldn’t do what I do without him….. He is so reliable and thorough. If anything he receives is damaged he sends it back because he knows that once it is here we are done for ! Do you have his details ?

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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