The Rhythm of Life in Governors Harbour

This week a quiet blog celebrating the gentle rhythm of life here in Governors Harbour…..

It is very busy now with visitors – absolute peak season as it is spring break in the US – so many families come here to be together. French Leave beach has plenty of people on it all day – so the dogs have to just be walked on leads at the moment. Too many people and young children to be able to let them off safely. They sometimes get a little too exuberant and can unnerve people if they charge up to them. But they still enjoy the afternoon playdates.

If you look carefully you can actually see quite a lot of people – I know – it’s all relative !

We had a lovely meal earlier this week with good friends Patricia and Jeffrey and they had some of their family with them. Their grandchildren were a delight to be around and their granddaughter Beatrice had made a special effort to look absolutely lovely. She had on a new dress , shoes and jewelry – all carefully chosen and selected by her and it was a joy to see her taking pride in how she looked. It was a treat to see her brothers Henry and Oliver treating her so well !

Beatrice with Bob
Beatrice with grandparents Jeffrey and Patricia – that is sparkling water by the way – just in case you were wondering …

We also enjoyed a lovely lunch at Bacchus Fine Foods with good friends Donna and Stuart Kurkul.  We got to meet them when they rented Tops from us back in December 2013- and they have been coming back every year since then- apart from the Covid years. They totally get Eleuthera and in particular Governors Harbour – it was a luxury to be able to sit and talk and catch up over a leisurely lunch and talk a little about what has happened in those 10+ years……. Donna was the first person to comment on my very first blog in May 2014 – and she has been an avid reader and commentator since then…..

Donna and I at BFF
and Bob with Stuart – the pictures of the 4 of us together were always good of one or two but none were good of all of us !

Must also mention that we had a lovely dinner on Sunday night with Carol and Keith and watched some of the Oscars with them as well. We had a lovely time but we left at about 9.30 before all the really juicy categories came up – but it was pretty clear that Oppenheimer was going to sweep the board. We enjoyed what we saw and critiquing the outfits was, as always, probably the best bit !!

Picture of a great lunch at home with Beat on Cupid’s Cay

Well dear friends – that’s all for this week. Counting down the days now until Sami and Billy – Bob’s daughter and her husband arrive on Saturday 23rd March and we get to spend 10 days of fun with them…….



1 thought on “The Rhythm of Life in Governors Harbour”

  1. Oh to be young again! Beatrice is darling. Yes, a nice lunch of tasty fare enjoyed with you both. Time flies. See ya on the beach. And it WAS crowded on Sunday. I was amazed at nearly eight dozen folks all together. And, one couple we spoke with were hailed out of the water because a nurse shark was following them.

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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