Best of an Eleutheran Christmas

So here we are – the best of our Eleutheran Christmas and other tidbits ! Christmas celebrations started for us with an overnight trip to Nassau to have dinner with our great friends from England – Ashley and Jilly – on the Saturday before Christmas. We returned early Sunday afternoon and I can tell you I was so pleased to get back to Eleuthera.

The air traffic controllers in Nassau had been on a go slow and so many flights were subject to lengthy delays over the Christmas period – so that’s why I was delighted to get back on Eleutheran soil ! The dinner was delicious – we ate at Mahogany House and stayed at Island House. Being with good friends you don’t see very often has an extra poignancy at Christmas time and what a joy it is to be with real friends where you can share your tales of sadness as well as those of joy…..

Oh my !
Oh my !

Christmas Eve I spent doing some advance cooking and preparation to our Christmas feast. I love spending time on Christmas Day cooking our meal and then sitting down to share it with friends and loved ones. There were 6 of us this year – although you would have been forgiven for thinking it was much more if you saw how much food there was !

The table was set with a centerpiece of a glorious candle that we carried back from our visit to London last month. It was a heavy thing to carry through the airport – too fragile to go into checked baggage. Bob staggered through the airport – well not staggered but it sounds funny – right ? – carrying the 2 large holdalls that fold up small and are slipped into the cases – and they were both way to heavy for comfort. We looked at all the people strolling around with their nice carry on cases and decided there and then that was what we would buy each other for Christmas ….. So we did and I am delighted to tell you that there is no duty on suitcases in the Bahamas !

Lovely candle - but heavy !
Lovely candle – but heavy !

We christened them on our trip to Nassau and they will get plenty of use.

We go very lightly on Christmas presents for each other as we all have too much stuff these days don’t you think ? But of course the exception to this is books – right ? Bob bought me a fabulous big coffee table book – called ‘ Grace – 30 Years of Fashion at Vogue ‘  I love Grace Coddington, I love fashion and I love Vogue magazine – so what’s not to love about a gift like that ?

Mary and Liz getting in the mood .....
Mary and Liz getting in the mood …..

And so now we have that lovely limbo time between Christmas and New Year – the office is closed – although there is still work to be done – and time feels much more fluid – no routines to be adhered to. Friends to see and food to be eaten – lovely. Time to reflect on what the last year has meant , what it has brought and what the coming year will bring.

Bob and I wish you all a peaceful and healthy New Year – see you all in 2019 !

Ceci in the house for a little visit - still trying to get a picture of her and Rudge together. they are getting to be quite good friends I'm pleased to say....
Ceci in the house for a little visit – still trying to get a picture of her and Rudge together. They are getting to be quite good friends I’m pleased to say….


11 thoughts on “Best of an Eleutheran Christmas”

  1. Hi Kathy
    All the Best for a Healthy, Happy New Year to you and yours.

    I left you a note on last week’s post.
    But it’s still waiting for review.
    Susan Judy and Joe from LI NY

  2. Looks like a great time! Takes me back to the many Christmas celebrations I celebrated at Governors Harbour and Windermere Island Club. Plus the junkanoo celebration on Boxing Day!

    1. Bob and Kathy Colman

      So sorry – due to a technical hitch your comments have only just come through to me ! Happy New Year …..

  3. Kathy and Bob,
    Merry Christmas and best wishes for a wonderful New Year. Bill and I looking forward to returning to our Eleutheran home in January. Hope to see you soon!

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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