Halloween is a big excuse for a party and Halloween 2016 in Governors Harbour made the most of it. It started on Friday night with what is laughingly called Happy Hour at Bacchus Fine Foods – but of course it lasts way longer than an hour ! We loaned our skeleton pirate out to Angelika – it was good for him to meet a variety of people – and he was a real success. We met up with various friends and ate halloween themed food and drank a couple of drinks as well. Somehow the evening ended with singing and dancing – absolutely nothing to do with the coconut rum jello shots we all downed ! Mark Coeffic did a great job with the music – always a good sign when people are dancing sitting down in their seats.

Angelika did a fantastic job hosting the evening and her outfit and make-up were spectacular. Note to self for next year – find a new look – although I do love my Cruella De Ville wig. However the ultra cheap nylon wig has definitely had it’s day so new inspiration is needed.

We were expecting children on Saturday night – but the Leon Levy Preserve party was postponed because the weather was so bad – howling winds and loads more rain throughout the day. So no visitors at all. But Monday was another story – I think that this year we had more than ever before – Bob did a rough estimate that we probably had about 60 or so !!

The pirate went down well with most of the kids – only a couple were scared of him – but most wanted to have their picture taken with him…….

Tippy’s is now open again – yippee ! – and we had a great evening there last week eating some beautiful sesame seared tuna. We bumped into the Knowles family – Ricardo, Tracey, daughter Kache and Tracey’s mum – the wonderful Norma Johnson of Norma’s Gift Shop – and they were celebrating Norma’s 84th birthday – I know that plenty of you will want to pass on birthday wishes to Norma…..