May is moving on in Eleuthera – you will be reading this on the 11th or later. I know we all say it but it is amazing how quickly the months roll by – the weather is warming up here on island and we are still waiting for some rain.
However that can hold off ideally for a few more days as we are getting the finish on the walls of the pool – no rain while that happens please.
I am really looking forward to having this done – not just so that we can both take a swim but also it will be so much nicer to look on a shimmering swimming pool rather than a concrete sided hole in the ground !

I took a few pictures of the trenches being dug for the all the development that will be happening on the land at the side of Sprawling Towers. I think it has pretty much all been sold and they will need services – water and power – put in before any real construction . The machine digging the trench is amazing – so precise and accurate. We check out it’s progress every morning on our walk – Rudge, Brian and me – and it is making great progress.

Our walk is a funny affair – Brian gallops around a lot of the time – but when Rudge wants to stop and have a good sniff around then she will often just lie down and recline in the road – see below !

We went for dinner this week to the Taglichs at Lush Life and Pascal cooked a delicious meal for 10 of us. He was ably assisted by his brother Picasso who did a great job. It was a funny and sociable affair and a good time was had by all. Great to catch up with Angelika and Sandy who we hadn’t seen for weeks and weeks and Michele Johnson, back from her travels with pictures of her gorgeous grandson.

All the final plumbing fixtures have arrived to finish off the bathrooms in the studio, cottage and downstairs bathrooms so it will be good to see them all complete.
The kitchen is going in to the gardeners cottage so hopefully progress will be swift on that too and before too long we will have the wonderful Sonny living on site……
And so dear friends – have a great weekend and keep breathing through those frustrations that we all experience – technology is great until you hit a problem and then it can drive you insane ! I have just spent over an hour on the phone with my bank – who have now outsourced their phone enquiries to the Philippines ….. need I say more ? Breathing in, breathing out, breathing in, breathing out – repeat !