This weekend we will be watching the King’s Coronation in London on TV – I think our invitation must have got lost in the mail – plus a little look back to May 2020 when we were in lockdown.
The Coronation starts at 11am UK time – 6am here – but I am always up and about around that time so I will hopefully be able to watch it live on TV. Now I know that not everyone is supportive of the British monarchy , and I respect everyone that has their own opinion. However this will be the first coronation to watch for me and many other people – the Queen’s was in June 1953 and I wasn’t born until August of that year , so I will be glued to it and thoroughly enjoying all the pomp and ceremony that will be happening. The British do know how to put on a really good show and we will be enjoying what promises to be a real spectacle…..

I have reread the blogs from May 2020 and it is amazing how quickly we forget the way that things were. I write about how great it was when we could start getting takeout from some of the local restaurants. Of course we were still working on our construction sites as the building industry was exempt from lockdown but I write about really missing having evening meals together with friends. That is one of the things that made me look back to this period as one night this week with had a lovely evening at ST with good friends Brooke and Andy.
The joy that comes from catching up with friends, sharing a glass or two of wine or champagne and having interesting conversations is something to be cherished. Never mind sharing good food – always something to enjoy in my book !
We met Brooke and Andy when they stayed at Tops on their first visit to Eleuthera and we have enjoyed their company ever since – this was their 17th visit to Governors Harbour so I think we can safely assume that they get the island ….. We shared book and TV program recommendations with each other – I will report back later after we have sampled them !

On that note , I watched Magpie Murders on Apple TV . Jane and I started watching it while she was here and we both really enjoyed it – Bob didn’t get it at all – so this last week I binge watched the remaining episodes on my laptop. I found it clever and darkly amusing – see what you think ! We both watched and enjoyed The Mysterious Mr Lagerfeld – a documentary about Karl Lagerfeld and really enjoyed it. However I fell asleep during some of it so we will be re-watching it !
In July this year the Bahamas will be celebrating 50 years of Independence and Bob has been meeting with the Administrator here in Governors Harbour to talk about the celebrations. There is a list of sponsorship needs – see below for details – that we are working on raising funds for.
3.5.232 – if you click on this it will show the list – for the life of me I cannot get the image up here for some reason – please forgive this slight blip !!!
Have a great weekend and remember to cherish the times that you share with family and friends – none of us know how much time we have here – so try not to take things for granted and make the most of the times we can share together – lockdown taught us how much we need that human contact.