Progress on the Duck Inn site and Anchor Point site…..

This week I thought I would bring you up to date on progress at the Duck Inn site and Anchor Point as well… The Duck Inn site is a big job that we are doing for clients – the people who own the Squires Estate right here also in Governors Harbour.

Great view from the top floor taking in Cornerwall House and the harbour
Great view from the top floor taking in Cornerwall House and the harbour – the wedding / event deck being worked onto the right of the picture….

Both Cornerwall House and Flora’s House have now had their kitchens fitted and last week we had our specialist countertop guy over from Miami to install the beautiful white composite stone surfaces. Bathrooms are tiled and and fittings are being installed. It will not be long until I start the happy job of furnishing and decorating them ready for rental…..

The nearly completed kitchen at Cornerwall House
The nearly completed kitchen at Cornerwall House

The Modern House is coming along very well – we are awaiting delivery of the Lanai doors so then the house will be watertight. The views from all of the rooms down into the harbour are just beautiful and the changing light and weather throughout the day are better to watch than most TV programs !  Bob and I worked together !! on the design of the large kitchen – and it is going to be a beauty. I think that we are going to install cast white concrete countertops in this kitchen as the island is 180″ long ! The flooring on the ground floor will be coralina stone – a firm favorite of mine – island style but it can still fit in a very modern house.  The site has a place for a wedding or function pavilion – the base is all laid and the bathrooms installed – the actual pavilion itself will probably be a tented structure that can be erected and dismantled as required.

Lovely afternoon sunlight in a bedroom at Flora's House
Lovely afternoon sunlight in a bedroom at Flora’s House

All 3 swimming pools for the individual houses are nearing completion along with the lily pond that runs outside the front of the Modern House.  Landscaping is underway with some great traveller palms to complement the huge one that was originally there.

One of the bedrooms with the yet unfinished doors we had made in Jamaica
One of the bedrooms with the yet unfinished doors we had made in Jamaica

This is a controversial project that has divided opinion – some people feel that another old style house should have been built there – but the juxtaposition of old and new is something that the owners and ourselves as designers and contractors felt was an exciting step forward….

The fold back lanai doors on the top floor of the Modern House
The fold back lanai doors on the top floor of the Modern House

Then on to Anchor Point – also right here in Governors Harbour. This is our own project – so lovely to be doing something that is our own for a change ! There are 2 buildings on the site – one is a fourplex – with 2 one bedroom apartments and 2 two bedroom apartments. The other is a building with 2 two bedroom apartments in it – larger than the ones in the fourplex.

Anchor Point - the fourplex on the left and the duplex on the right
Anchor Point – the fourplex on the left and the duplex on the right

In the fourplex we have the tiled floors down – I love these tiles and have used then in both Tops House and our own house as well. they reflect the light and make everywhere feel more spacious and elegant. Spacious and elegant – two of my favorite words ! We are just working on getting the bathrooms installed – and I already have the kitchens in my own personal Ikea warehouse right here on the island ! The windows and doors are just going in to the newer building so that too will soon be watertight.

The great room at Anchor point - looking back to where the kitchen will be....
The great room at Anchor point – looking back to where the kitchen will be….

We intend to keep some of the apartments to put into our rental pool but we will be selling a couple of them…. watch this space !

Outgrowing his crate !
Outgrowing his crate …….

Rudge continues to grow and I am trying to step up his training a bit. But finding the time every day to consistently work on it with him without turning it into a boring chore is a challenge ….. But he is developing a great character and it appears is a natural guard dog – nobody gets near the house without being announced !

My gorgeous god-daughter Nadiyah growing fast and already putting in a day at the office !
My gorgeous god-daughter Nadiyah growing fast and already putting in a day at the office !
Grabbed this quick shot as I was going into the Customs office on the Cay - couldn't have posed !
Grabbed this quick shot as I was going into the Customs office on the Cay – couldn’t have posed it !

14 thoughts on “Progress on the Duck Inn site and Anchor Point site…..”

  1. Hi Kathy,
    Another very interesting blog! Thanks! Sorry we missed seeing you on our VERY brief visit to the Island last week. Hope to be back in March. Keep well. Xo

  2. Great to see Kathy and yes you guys have been busy.. as every time I drive through Governors I just look up and see Bob directing his team from one roof or another! Hope to catch up with you when he is on the ground again!

  3. Colin and Susie, Mallorca, Spain

    The A-team is at its best with this new Project. It looks as if you are having fun judging from Kathy”s happy face. We miss you and Eleuthera and will be back as soon as Colin”s health permits.

    Lots of Love, Susie and Colin,xxxxxx

    1. Bob and Kathy Colman

      So lovely to hear from you – please send Colin our best wishes for a return to travel worthy health ! XX

  4. What an amazing portfolio you are developing – and I’m very impressed that you worked together on the kitchen – and not divorced yet!

    I’m sure Hannah and Tom would be impressed with the composite worktop – I don’t think that technology has reached Dubai yet – maybe they should investigate. Also, what is Corolina tiling?

    Good luck with training Rudge – Bertie is still training me……x

    1. Bob and Kathy Colman

      Well Bob gave me his one request and I worked that in – does that count ??? Corolina is a natural stone tile that is used throughout the Caribbean – I will send you a picture of it…… The composite worktop is very much along the lines of Corian – do you have that in Dubai ?

  5. I so enjoy your blogs. Eleuthera is changing and progress is key!! I would so enjoy hearing that you receive my comments. But, no reply as yet? Camilla Ross

    1. Bob and Kathy Colman

      Camilla – I have written several times that your comments are getting through – I have tried emailing back to you as well. Not sure what else I can do…..

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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