Yes shopping around central Eleuthera has a whole new dynamic since Burrows closed  ! Instead of being able to shop largely in one store so many people are saying that they are having to visit a few different places to be able to stock up on what they want and need.

It should only be hopefully another 6 or 7 weeks until the new store opens – but it is a bit of to do in the meantime ! I have always used the Island Farm for quite a few things as well as the lovely fresh bread twice a week but now I get salmon and shrimp from there on a regular basis as well.  By the way there is gluten free bread available sometimes at the farm – maybe call ahead – click on the link above to find the phone number.

Bob has his weekly visit to Dr Kim Young in Tarpum Bay on a Monday and I often drive on to the Market Place in Rock Sound to pick up what I can’t find locally. I find Halls in Rock Sound very useful for things like toilet tissue and face tissues but I discovered this week that they close at 1pm on a Monday . Midway Cost Cutters in Savannah Sound is often worth a visit – they often have a good range of fruit and vegetables…..

Travelling north to James Cistern – East and Final as well as the other store JC Discounts and then Big Rock can reap rewards with items not always available here in GH at Eleuthera Supply.

Anyway I know the ins and outs of what I buy where do not exactly make for an interesting blog – sorry ! – but it may help some of you coming to visit……

The weather has been very mixed – some glorious days as well as some much cooler windy weather – just as I thought it might be bikini time for the afternoon dog walk I found myself wearing a fleece the very next day. But in the scheme of things it is beautiful here. Really hoping for rain as we have not had any for a long time but don’t tell the visitors !!

Absolutely love this orchid flower…..

Plants are growing beautifully both indoors and out – the amaryllis I was given at Christmas is in beautiful bloom – I had no idea that they could go from just a bulb needing planting to flowering in 3 weeks – fabulous. I found a stunning orchid flower down in my sheltered nursery area and have brought that up into the house – Larry is going to repot it and sort it out after the flower finishes.

How beautiful…..

There is flower stem on one of the big agaves growing at a rate of knots just outside the covered parking area – okay the porte cochere – here at Sprawling Towers – the 2 pictures below are taken two weeks apart – and this is with no rain ……

14th January
28th January

I have been experimenting with trying to take pictures on my phone at night – I have posted a couple of the beautiful moon shots on the blog – but I am not that thrilled with the results. I have also taken a few of the outside lighting but any tips you have for using an iPhone to get better results would be greatly welcomed. Obviously I have the flash turned off but that’s about it at the moment …..

The house at night ….
Should have moved the cars !!!

Okay friends and readers that’s it for this week – next week I should be able to bring you news of services and facilities at the Bahamas Wellness Clinic in Palmetto Point and who knows what else !



8 thoughts on “Shopping Around Central Eleuthera !”

  1. Thanks Kathy for the shopping tips and knowing about the “GF” bread call ahead. What is that saying? It takes a village. That orchid from your nursery that you showed me? Frillily georgous. We’ve been enduring about 2 degrees in Hadley here & fierce winds. It seems warm when it gets up to the 30s! So, a windy beach walk at 65 will be welcome.
    That’s my sun porch temp at breakfast. O, BTW, I read The Trauma Code…


      Good to hear from you – the weather sounds like my idea of a nightmare ! Not too long until we see you here – take care xx

  2. Hi Kathy, just to emphasis ,as I am sure other readers would agree , the where’s and when’s of grocery places , and doctors offices are interesting and great to know.
    We plan on being there in April . It’s been awhile since our last visit and I know that some of our go to stores may not be there.
    Thank you Wendy

  3. Thank you, Kathy, for the invaluable information as always. I would also like to remind your readers that Bacchus Fine Foods, located on Banks Road, is open seven days a week. Although the selection may be smaller, they offer a variety of seafood, meats, breads, wines, cheeses, and fresh produce from Eleuthera and CTI weekly. Visiting several shops has become a delightful social tradition for many of us over the years.


      You pre-empted me ! I am planning a more in depth write up for personal favorite BFF in next week’s blog ……

  4. Hi Kathy,

    Thank you so much for this blog. I’m visiting in March and welcome this information. I’m really interested in doing some yoga on my trip. We have an air bnb near Governor Harbour. I don’t want to travel with a yoga mat and was wondering where to purchase one?
    Thanks again for the info. The flowers and plants are exquisite!


      If you are going to the yoga at the Levy Preserve then they have a few spare mats you can borrow for that class. If not then contact me when you are here and I will help you out….

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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