Travels and the circle of life in Eleuthera….

This week we have been on our travels – a quick trip to Key West for a wedding – but we also experience the circle of life here in Eleuthera.

It was our first trip to Key West and following lots of advice we decided to drive down there. Of course , living where we do means that a road trip across the Keys has a lot to live up to – no turquoise water or glimpses of pink sand beaches – but I’m glad we did it. We ate a late lunch in Key Largo on the recommendation of a friend and that broke the journey well.

Me with wedding planner and mother of the bride the amazing Shannon Spaulding.....
Me with wedding planner and mother of the bride the amazing Shannon Spaulding…..

We stayed in a great hotel in Key West – The Marker – the first night was a little noisy with live music outside until 12.15 – but they moved us the next day to a much quieter room. On Saturday morning we ate a terrific brunch at Blue Heaven – it is a really buzzing venue and I highly recommend it myself if you are in Key West.

Lovely room at the Marker Hotel Key West
Lovely room at the Marker Hotel Key West

The wedding was for the daughter of some good friends of ours and it was so well organized I couldn’t believe it ! We all went on a sunset cruise on a catermeran on Friday evening – lots of dancing and fun and food ! The organization of the wedding was second to none – all the bridal party looked stunning and the setting for both the wedding itself and the reception were sensational.

Bob and I on the sunset cruise the night before the wedding
Bob and I on the sunset cruise the night before the wedding

It was a pleasure to be at a happy and positive event with hope for the future……

An amazing banyan tree at the reception venue
An amazing banyan tree at the reception venue
I loved this meditating buddha dog in our hotel room.....
I loved this meditating buddha dog in our hotel room…..

The people of this island have a wonderful way of supporting each other through the key stages of life and death and it is with a sad heart that I give you the news that the dear wife of Cecil ‘Boot’ Petty who works for us died this week. Nathalie had breast cancer and had managed the disease for a good few years. She was nursed and supported by some of the best friends anyone could wish to have until the very end. Thankfully she did die at home with those who loved her around her. Nathalie – may your soul and spirit soar free….. We will all miss you …….

It is a truism that in the midst of life there is death and it is always a strange situation when occasions of great joy and celebration intermingle with great sorrow. The key to it is to fully celebrate the joyful times and fully experience the grief as well…….



6 thoughts on “Travels and the circle of life in Eleuthera….”

  1. Frank R. Fatoric

    Far far too young to pass away. I know Cecil, will lead Naomi to a very bright future.
    Nathalie wore many work hats, since I first met her, during the end of Club Med era.
    She was a hard worker. We spoke French, and ever since then, when we got together(Thanks to Dan/Larry), it was always a wonderful evening, of conversation, and Dominoes.
    Feeling Sad, for Cecil, and Naomi.
    I wish you all the best.

    1. Bob and Kathy Colman

      So sorry that your comment slipped my attention. Of course I will pass your sentiments on to Cecil and Naomi. She was a hardworking and incredibly courageous woman. Thanks for commenting…..

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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