Trippin off to Texas from Eleuthera

So off we went – trippin’ off to Texas from home here in Eleuthera…. and it was great ! We started the trip with an overnight stay in Nassau at our favorite hotel – close to the airport – Island House Hotel….. and a delicious meal at their nearby restaurant – Mahogany House. Now I’m warning you that is going to be a bit of a food blog this week – you know how much I love a good meal !

Beautiful pesto pappardelle with pine nuts, roasted tomatoes and deliciousness !
Beautiful pesto pappardelle with pine nuts, roasted tomatoes and deliciousness at mahogany House !

Then we flew in to Houston – a direct flight from Nassau. Easy peasy ! We stayed the first night at a hotel in an area north of Houston called The Woodlands. We were recommended a great wine bar within a 2 minute walk from the hotel called Cru – it was so nice. We had a lovely bottle of wine – yes I drank wine not beer ! and then ate several small dishes to share. All delicious and not to huge a meal thank goodness. The interior had a fantastic display wall which was all bottles of wine – see the picture at the top ……

One of the food concessions at Houston airport - so impressive
One of the food concessions at Houston airport – so impressive

The next day we spent with Micah and Justin Tipler who basically do what we do – but in Texas – and on a huge scale. We toured their offices and design studios – really very impressive – and lovely to see a young couple making a huge success of what they are doing….. Then we drove a bit further out and spent the night at a house on a golf course focussed development called Blue Jack National. The house was very luxurious and extremely well fitted out and we had a lovely relaxing night in reading and watching TV  – perfect. The next day we drove out west – like all the best pioneers !!! – to Austin.

the great room at Blue Jack National in the house where we stayed
the great room at Blue Jack National in the house where we stayed
I love a good laundry room....
I love a good laundry room….
Hands down the most comfortable bed we slept in Texas !
Hands down the most comfortable bed we slept in Texas at Blue Jack National !

What a hip city that was ! A lovely hotel – up on the 15th floor with great views out over the city. There were trendy bars everywhere you looked and the range of food trucks – all with their own speciality foods – was sensational …..

Container Bar in Austin - so trendy !
Container Bar in Austin – so trendy !
Oh my - the selection of food trucks all along the street was amazing.....
Oh my – the selection of food trucks all along the street was amazing…..


The bread was really good and this Israeli wine that Bob selected was fabulous....
The bread at Eberly was really good and this Israeli wine that Bob selected was fabulous….

The reason we drove out to Austin largely was to go to a particular restaurant called Eberly – and boy was it worth the drive !

Bob's main course of salmon and ravioli was so tasty. I had oysters followed by scallops - both off the scale but not so easy to get a good picture of - largely because I am usually halfway through before I suddenly remember - picture !
Bob’s main course of salmon and ravioli was so tasty. I had oysters followed by scallops – both off the scale but not so easy to get a good picture of – largely because I am usually halfway through before I suddenly remember – picture !

The meal was really a huge treat and the staff could not have been nicer. We had a full tour of the premises – which were big – and we got to meet the chef as well….  Do click on the link here to read about why the restaurant is called Eberly – a great story…..

Almost too pretty to eat - almost !
Almost too pretty to eat – almost !
With lovely waitress Sumi and manager Tyler at Eberly
With lovely waitress Sumi and manager Tyler at Eberly


Bob and I with the very talented Chef Matt ......
Bob and I with the very talented Chef Matt ……

The next day we drove back to Houston. Now let’s have a little word about the Texas weather ! So the first few days we were there there was tropical rain – torrents of it and when it stopped the place was STEAMING ! But when we got back to Houston on Friday – the sun was out and blazing and it was like a FURNACE ! – sorry about the capital letters but I just have to emphasize those words very strongly ! No sea breeze to keep things comfortable – you either baked if you were outside or froze if you were inside. Those Texans do love their AC – right ?

Simple lunch on the way to Austin at a truck stop sort of place in a town called Giddings. Cheap and so darned good !
Simple lunch on the way to Austin at a truck stop sort of place in a town called Giddings. Cheap and so darned good !

And now a quick word of thanks to Agatha – as we christened the Sat Nav lady in the rental car. She was the best ! There would have been a lot of frayed tempers were it not for her …… She got us around just brilliantly and I never argued with her once !

No shopping at all on this trip – just enjoying seeing and meeting up with a few Texans we had met here in Eleuthera and getting a first viewing of Texas.  We both enjoy seeing a new place in the US – there is so much to see and do – and I know that this will not be the only trip we take to the Lone Star state …… click here and scroll to the middle of the second paragraph to fine out why it is called that !

This is a financial centre in Austin - a great view of the building from our hotel room - can you se that it looks like an owl's face at the top ?
This is a financial centre in Austin – a great view of the building from our hotel room – can you se that it looks like an owl’s face at the top ?


And by night !
And by night !
Bob and Justin deep in conversation at the Tipler Design Centre
Bob and Justin deep in conversation at the Tipler Design Centre


Another view of the Container bar - why do you think it's called that ???
Another view of the Container bar – why do you think it’s called that ???



4 thoughts on “Trippin off to Texas from Eleuthera”

  1. Fun report on trippin’ with the Colmans! You always make tbe BEST of it. The “owl” building is a clever design. Must have been hot in the metal container bar…don’t the Bushes live in Woodlands?

    1. Bob and Kathy Colman

      The container bar had AC units in it ! Again – bless you Mr Carrier ! great to hear from you ….. Don’t know about the Bushs……

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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