What I’m reading and watching this week in Eleuthera

This week the weather has taken a serious swerve – windy , rainy and cold – well for here anyway – so we have hunkered down and I’m going to tell you about what I have been reading and watching….

There was Junkanoo at the weekend but I was cold, tired and not in the mood for sitting for a few hours – so dear readers please forgive me for the lack of pictures of Junkanoo ! Thinking about it I could have used last year’s pictures and only the eagle eyed amongst you would have known – but my Mother has made me pathologically honest so I couldn’t fake it !!

Really wild in the Harbour.....
Really wild in the Harbour…..
This was what the Harbour looked like exactly 2 years ago !
This was what the Harbour looked like exactly 2 years ago !

Ok so let’s talk about books and reading ….. The writer Isabel Allende is a favorite writer of fiction for me – so it is a great treat when one of her new books wings it’s way to my bedside table. The latest – In the Midst of Winter – was a great read. It is set in Brooklyn, New York in the midst of winter ! – and it brings together 3 very different individuals because of a big snow storm and freeze. Their lives become enmeshed and during the course of the story you learn the history of each of them. Isabel Allende is a South American writer and many of her stories have that link. This book brings Guatemala, Brazil , Chile and the US all into the mix and you learn the fascinating histories of each person. Plus it is a love story – nothing wrong with that at all ……

As an aside – I was a hairdresser for many years – starting as a Saturday shampoo girl just over FITY YEARS AGO – how shocking ! – but I learned from a young age that everybody has a story inside them to tell – learning how to draw that out became a fascinating study for me and over the years I have found time and time again that given the right circumstances these personal histories are so often more amazing than fiction ….

Anyway I highly recommend both that book and all Isabel Allende’s novels.

Love this picture of the seagulls all lined up facing into the wind .....
Love this picture of the seagulls all lined up facing into the wind …..

We watched on DVD Victoria and Abdul – dear Dame Judy Dench is wonderful as Queen Victoria. I  have a deep affection for Judy Dench – and not just because she looks like my Mum ! It is a fictionalized account of the true story of an Indian man who came to her court during the year of her Golden Jubilee to present her with a keepsake from the Indian government. She still had a eye for a handsome man and he became a confidant and dear friend to her during the last years of her reign. It is not going to win any major prizes but sometimes a cosy, feel good movie is just the ticket !

Ok – so now I am reading another one of my favorite authors – Alan Bennett – this book is a collection of his personal diaries from 2005 to 2015. The book is called Keeping On Keeping On– and there are parts that I just have to read out loud to Bob. He is a brilliant observer of people and has a keen, dry wit. I’m not sure how American – or rather non British readers would take to him – but reading his books makes me very happy and I can’t wait to find a bit of time every day to read a few more chapters.

Waiting for me is Stephen Hawking’s book – The Illustrated Brief History of Time – this is going to be a challenge – but I do love a book that challenges me an this one certainly will !

OK – so not too much about Eleuthera at all but a little insight into what is going on in the library at Colman Towers !

And finally a big thank you to the very thoughtful renters who brought me a bright orange Princeton sports shirt ! They knew about my love – obsession ? – with orange through following this blog – it continues to amaze me how many people I have never met or heard from do follow this bit of blather – thank you so very much !

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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