Art in the Park at Leon Levy Preserve

Flagging up this Saturday – 24th March 18 – when the Art in the Park exhibition is taking place. It is being held at the Leon Levy Preserve right here in Governors Harbour and proceeds are for the Exceptional Learners Center – the cause probably closest to my heart of all the ones we support….

I know it is going to be a joyful affair – people expressing themselves and what they see through the medium of art – even if the subject matter is sometimes serious – it is about having the freedom to express yourself in this way and share it with the big wide world……


$3 per person or $5 per couple and children are free entry – do come along between 1pm and 6pm and be inspired by what you see…..

OK – so just back home in Eleuthera after my great trip. I really enjoyed myself – but as Dorothy says – there’s no place like home !! This trip was very much about reconnecting with some great friends that I haven’t seen for many years.

Me with Tony ......
Me with Tony ……

One day I visited two friends – Tony and Mitch – they used to be heavily involved in horses but now they are dog breeders – and in fact had just that previous weekend won Best in Breed – at Crufts – THE top dog show in the UK and were placed third in Best in Working Dog Group. Fantastic success. All the dogs have very fancy Kennel Club names but at home the winner is known as ‘Dave’ !!  In fact all of their dogs have people names – Pamela, Janis, Michael and Beverly to name a few !  We laughed long and hard and told each other stories of happiness and great sadness as well…. It was one of several jewels of time spent catching up……

Some of the twelve dogs at Tony and Mitch's.....
Some of the twelve dogs at Tony and Mitch’s….. including Beverly the puppy !

I also visited my dear friend Kate in Leicester – a place where I lived for about 12 years when I first left home. It was were I developed my deep love of Indian food ! – the city has a huge Asian population with a fabulous and varied cuisine of many regional varieties of Indian food. However on this occasion because of timing and work commitments we ate lunch at a local supermarket cafe ! The food on this occasion was incidental – it was totally about sharing our stories and reminiscing about the days we were together 45 years ago – yikes ! We pick up where we left off – which in this case was 9 years ago …… Such a treat to have friends like this……

Kate and myself - friends for 45 years !
Kate and myself – friends for 45 years !

Of course I spent time with both of my lovely sisters and this time the 3 of us went for lunch on Saturday – and just the 3 of us . This is so rare I can’t remember the last time it happened. We ate in a lovely pub – but really again – the food was incidental. It was being together – just the 3 of us that was important.

3 matching smiles .....
3 matching smiles …..

After that I drove back to London – snow was forecast and the temperature was below freezing ! I have not worn so many clothes at one time for ages – it makes moving around much more difficult don’t you find ?  Anyway – in London there was the strange sight of snow and ice on the cars and blossom on the trees !

Snow on the cars .....
Snow on the cars …..
and blossom on the trees.
and blossom on the trees.

I am so very grateful for having had the opportunity to take this trip – in all sorts of places I was shown kindness and love – and maybe just having the agenda of being with people I miss as well as meeting new people and enjoying being with them was a real gift for me….. I treasure and continue to chuckle at some of the things that were said and things that we did…… I am a very lucky woman.

One of my favorite cafes and food stores when I stay in Notting Hill - Daylesford Dairy
One of my favorite cafes and food stores when I stay in Notting Hill – Daylesford Dairy
Scrumptious breakfast at Daylesford
Scrumptious breakfast at Daylesford
The view at Heathrow as I was about to fly back - grey , dreary and COLD !
The view at Heathrow as I was about to fly back – grey , dreary and COLD !

11 thoughts on “Art in the Park at Leon Levy Preserve”

  1. How long have you lived in Eleuthera?We are moving there as soon as we sell our house here in beautiful but cold Vermont! I enjoy your posts

    1. Bob and Kathy Colman

      We have lived here for nearly 14 years ! So pleased that you have found the blog. Come and find me when you are here…..

      1. Thanks,we will!It would be interesting to hear how you and your husband decided to move to Eleuthera from England and how you started restoring properties

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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