A Bahamian Funeral and Family Fun in Eleuthera

This week we have had the contrast of a real Bahamian funeral and family here in Eleuthera.

As I told you all last week our family arrived on Thursday and so there has been lots of hugging and cuddling with out great granddaughter Cece. They are staying in Peach House apartments next to where we used to live at Buena Vista – and it has worked beautifully. Genevieve, James and Cece are staying in the downstairs apartment and Sami and Billy are upstairs. Close by – easy walking distance – but with everybody having a little privacy as well…. Just how we love it !

Well what can I say apart from gorgeous ….

On Saturday Bob and I, along with Sami and Billy ,went to Joshua Culmer’s funeral in Palmetto Point. You should remember if you have been paying attention that Joshua was the person who married Sami and Billy back in September 2005 so they were happy that they could be there at the funeral. It was an open casket in the church which is not that unusual here , and of course the family mourners were understandably upset. The rituals of funerals here play a big part in helping family and friends come to terms with their loss. Obviously it doesn’t work for everyone but personally I feel that a more ritualized form of grieving can be a lot more healthy that the particularly British way of stiff upper lip and keeping it all buttoned up ….

Great granddad Bob with the edible morsel that is Cece

It was a big and long funeral with the committal afterwards. We stayed for 2 hours and slipped out before it ended another hour and a half later. We met up with Genevieve and James and Cece and went for lunch to Sunset Inn which lightened the day – the circle of life, death of an elder and the new life and potential of our great granddaughter gave a rhythm to the day that could otherwise have been a bit gloomy….

Francis and Gina after the action…

On Sunday we had Gina and Francis Plakaris come to cook another meal for us. It was a great day with wonderful food and lots of fun. Francis has told me that since mentioning his talents previously he has had some bookings as a result. I am delighted to hear that and I urge you to contact him for a brilliant meal in the comfort of your own home – or where you are staying anyway . Again – his contact number is 242 554 5483. You will not be disappointed.

That seafood platter to share as an appetizer was amazing
Such a pretty salad
One of the best things about Francis and Gina cooking – apart from the food – was that it meant I could get to cuddle with Cece

Sami and Billy and Gen and James are all keen quiz participants – with Billy particularly having a keen hope to always be the winner – so we decided that a quiz night at Sprawling Towers would be a fun way to spend an evening. James organized the whole quiz – set the questions as well as acting as our quizmaster. It was great fun – Billy and I were one team, Sami and Bob the other , Genevieve was busy with Cece but came and sat with us during most of the quiz. It is fun discovering what you didn’t realize that you knew and also fun trying to chase that elusive answer around your brain that is evading you ! Billy and I won – not of course that I cared but Billy certainly did – no prizes apart from the glory !!

James in the quizmaster’s chair and the head to head teams !

Tonight we are off to Bacchus Fine Foods for pizza night – eating early and going home for an early night for Bob and I – the young ones can stay on and make their own way home when it suits them.

We are both pretty tired but they are only here until Sunday so we are savoring every moment we can with them. It is such a delight to have them here for 10 days and be able to spend precious time with them – even just doing the mundane things as well as the more exciting things is a pleasure that we rarely get to experience with the Atlantic ocean between us.

All enjoying the Sunday lunch

We have no workmen while they are here and it is lovely to just have a little bit more time in the morning before needing to be on parade for the day. Life is a little more relaxed for a while and it is good to be able to take more time with decisions that need to be made.

Mary deep in conversation with Cece

Have a great weekend and savor those moments with those that you love and care about – we have today but tomorrow may be another story….




10 thoughts on “A Bahamian Funeral and Family Fun in Eleuthera”

  1. We were also at the Sunset that afternoon and enjoyed sitting next to you and getting to know your lovely family.
    Donna Kurkul and Stuart Cohen

  2. Sylvia Sharplin

    Kathy, I read all your blogs. Always great info! Dan and I are celebrating our 60th birthdays together at French Leave at the end of April. Hoping you and Bob are around. Eleuthera is still one of our favorite places on earth.

  3. Tyler and I really enjoyed seeing you the other week! Thank you for your hospitality! We already miss Eleuthera so much and will be back with our two babies next time 🙂

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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